10 countries that are perfect for first-time solo travelers! I’ve traveled to over 65 countries solo, and these 10 places are where I’d …

What up guys today we’re talking about where you  should travel alone if it is your very first time   i have been to over 65 countries by myself i  have traveled to six out of seven continents solo   and in all of that time with all that experience  there are definitely some places that are  

Awesome for first-time solo travelers because  they’re just easier they’re super safe easy to   navigate easy to meet other people just easy  easy easy but also awesome awesome awesome so   this list is 10 countries long you’ve got a lot  of options all over the world let’s dive right in  

Number one is iceland iceland first of all  is just so magical as you’re driving through   you’re going to just be pulling over constantly  because you’re just going to see mind-blowing   vista after mind-blowing view and you’re just  going to question constantly if you’re even on  

Earth anymore but another reason that it is  so wonderful for first-time solo travelers   is because it is consistently ranked number  one in terms of safety the safest country in   the world people will leave their car running  when they go to grocery shop which is hard to  

Imagine anywhere else iceland is also very easy to  navigate especially if you’re doing the ring road   you just got one road you got to worry about  and i think it’s wonderful as a solo traveler   because you’re going to meet other people at the  campsites who are doing the same thing as you are  

Or at the hotels however you decide to do it but  if you do want to be alone you can have solitude   as well i really had a mix of both when i went to  iceland so my recommendation is that you begin in  

Reykjavik if you want to meet people that’s where  everyone starts anyway spend a couple days there   get to know people maybe stay at a hostel  to facilitate that and make it easier get a   rental and like give yourself at least a week to  see the ring road and you’re gonna really build  

Up your confidence on your abilities to travel  solo doing this awesome drive number two i will   always love thailand for first-time solo travelers  it is actually the first place that i went when   i started my big solo travel journey nine years  ago although some people like to say oh it’s the  

Banana pancake trail what’s wrong with that it  is made to be just simple and easy in terms of   getting around the bus system’s great public  transport’s awesome you’re going to meet so   many other travelers no matter what part of the  country you decide to go to in the north you have  

These mind-blowingly gorgeous temples like the  white temple in the middle you have bangkok and my   personal favorite island Koh Rong and then you get  down south and then you have the famous islands   like koh tao or Koh Phi Phi that you’ve seen countless  photos of for sure there are a couple quieter  

Islands that i personally love called Koh yao yai  and koh yao noi there is tons on this channel to   help you learn more about traveling in thailand  but just know that it’s called the banana pancake  

Trail for a reason but i don’t mind that because  as a first time solo traveler it was perfect for   me and i think you will really love it too next  on my list is probably one of the most intriguing  

Culturally unique countries on planet earth and  that is japan let me just give you an example i   was trying to figure out their subway system which  can be a little bit a little bit advanced because  

There’s a lot of different lines but there was  actually someone there whose job it was to help me   when i got lost i can’t think of another  subway system or country where that’s the   case at least i haven’t experienced it and  the friendliness is just unparalleled i mean  

People really do respect each other’s personal  space even though tokyo is a crowded place you   just don’t feel like you’re getting pushed  and shoved around because at least from my   observations people were just very conscientious  and that speaks volumes i think of japanese  

Culture although there is going to be a language  barrier especially in some of the smaller towns   i feel that people really still try  to be welcoming and conscientious   and japan is also one of the safest countries that  you can travel to i mean people actually will save  

A spot at a table by putting their wallet down  imagine that next on the list is a country that   is near and dear to my heart because i lived there  for nearly four years and that is germany in terms  

Of diversity in a country that you could choose to  go to what i love about germany is that you’ve got   the funkiness of berlin which is where i used to  live it’s gritty it’s like so super cool i just  

Felt cooler by living there and then you have the  beauty of the bavarian alps another area that i   just adore is baden württemberg so stuttgart is  the main city there so you can fly into there   rent a car and explore the surrounding areas i  mean there are waterfalls there are mountains  

There are christmas markets with the chocolate  theme so if you go in christmas time it is   really just wonderful i also love berlin in the  summer there’s really nothing like it you’ve got   so many different cultures all mixing together  because berlin truly is this place that just calls  

In people from all around the world obviously i’m  biased but i highly recommend that you check out   germany particularly berlin next on the list is  another country that is regularly ranked super   duper safe and that is new zealand very few people  go to new zealand and don’t fall in love with it  

If you’re younger you might really enjoy staying  in the hostels there if you’re a little bit older   like your late 20s or 30s you might feel a  little bit old doing the hostels in a place  

Like new zealand however you can totally rent  a camper van or a car and just drive around and   see some amazing things the hiking is fantastic  the landscape is fantastic you’re surrounded by   ocean so the sunsets and sunrises are amazing  you can do tours where you can see dolphins i  

Mean there’s really just so much to do in new  zealand plus if you are a native english speaker   people are talking to you in your own language  which is also really helpful next is peru the  

Reason why i recommend peru is because of the inca  trail if you want to go to a place solo but not   really be solo join a hiking group that is going  to the inca trail you’re going to be really blown  

Away by how good they are at making delicious food  i mean they’re kind of famous for this on the inca   trail so they cook all your food you have porters  carrying your stuff and you have a built-in group  

That you can interact with and get to know that  makes getting to know a country a lot better and   a lot easier just because you’re traveling alone  doesn’t mean you actually need to be alone 100   of the time in fact that’s rarely been my  experience peru specifically the inca trail  

Is definitely one that i would recommend because  it’s beautiful you get to see one of the ancient   wonders of the world also known as an energy  vortex if you’re into that kind of thing and   you’re going to meet other people who are super  into doing this whole backpacking thing too or  

If it’s your first time it’s an easy way to ease  in because again you don’t have to carry any of   your own stuff really i’ve taken a group actually  backpacking there myself where i was a tour guide  

And most people there it was their first time  traveling alone many of them coming away from   that with lifelong friendships so you never know  who you’re going to meet and how great of a time   you could have keeping in south america we’ve got  the galapagos islands in ecuador the wonderful  

Thing about going to the galapagos island is that  you can just join a cruise it doesn’t even have   to be expensive if it’s a last minute cruise hot  tip look for last minute cruises and i just met   awesome people on mine and i swam with turtles  penguins lizards sea lions hammerhead sharks  

Uh galapagos sharks we don’t have time even for me  to list all the things that i saw when i was there   truly this is one of the most amazing trips that  i’ve ever been on it was one that i went on a  

Couple years ago and then i brought a group there  where again i was the tour guide and they were all   solo travelers meeting each other for the  first time and again coming away from it   with some awesome relationships and so that’s why  i really love going to places as a solo traveler  

Where there is a set thing to do that people go  there to do when you have sort of a central reason   for people to be there you’re a lot more likely  to meet other solo travelers next we’re moving  

To the african continent and i just love botswana  botswana is also on that list of safe countries to   visit and i know that africa gets this reputation  as not being a safe place to visit but it   is many countries made up of one continent and so  there’s all kinds of different experiences that  

You can have there i’ve spent about a cumulative  year of my life traveling around the continent   and i just have fallen so in love with botswana  it’s amazing to just go and i would recommend   probably going on a tour and just experience  the beauty of this country i mean you’ve got  

The aquabongo delta which you can take a plane  over and you can see herds of elephants all   kinds of animals you can see giraffes you can see  zebras you can just see so many animals that you  

Probably grew up learning like in books like z is  for zebra it’s just cool to see it in person and   again something like a safari especially you  can even choose ones that go with your age group  

They’ve got acacia africa if you’re from 18 to  35 if you pay a little bit more you’ll probably   get people who are in a higher age range so don’t  rule out going to this continent you’ve also got  

Namibia south africa mozambique all down south  all countries that i love and i traveled to all   of them by myself and had wonderful experiences  next is of course the beautiful usa i probably   traveled alone more in the states than any other  country that i’ve been to because i am from here  

But i just love getting in the car driving out and  going and camping i live in the american southwest   and so there’s so many options out here but i  always meet people i always meet people out there  

And they’re often so so cool i mean americans are  friendly obviously you need to have a good head on   your shoulders smaller towns are always going  to be a little bit safer big cities you need  

To really be careful there’s a whole other video i  have about the 10 best places in the usa to travel   solo as well so go ahead and check that one out  but if you are from the us it’s just so easy to  

Travel within your own country you don’t even have  to go all that far from home to have an amazing   solo adventure and i would totally recommend that  you take it easier on yourself and pick something  

That is nearby and have just the best trip ever  in a place that maybe you never even dreamed   of going before finally one of my favorite  countries to travel to alone my number one   is canada it is true that canadians are friendly  this is one of those stereotypes that is just so  

Incredibly true i’ve had the best time every  time i’ve gone to canada i’ve even gone to the   places where other people were like why would  you go there like i’ve been to manitoba twice   loved it both times i even went in the winter and  had a freaking amazing time alberta is obviously  

So amazing so beautiful and you’re going to meet  plenty of other people in terms of driving in   terms of language if you’re from the states this  is going to be really simple for you there’s just  

So much diversity in canada too it is a huge huge  country and there’s really so much to see whether   it’s polar bears and belugas or wolves or changing  leaves or whatever it is that you are hoping to  

See you can find it in canada except for tropical  destinations but that’s why thailand’s on the list   so i hope that that helped you to figure out  the countries that you should be traveling to   as a first time traveler we have information  on the show notes below so that you can sign  

Up for my email list where i give you a new tip  every day on how to travel alone completely free   i’ll see you soon turn on notifications  so that you never miss a video bye bye


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