There is no country on earth that I love more than Switzerland! Not only is it absolutely beautiful, but it is one of the cleanest, most …

What’s up guys my name is Ryan and I spent the last several years exploring the incredible country of Switzerland and I want to share with you my favorite places so here’s my Switzerland top 25. if anyone asked me where my favorite country is I’ll always reply with Switzerland it’s not only absolutely

Beautiful but Switzerland is one of the most well-run clean and just overall perfect country on Earth in my opinion from endless enchanting villages to the Majesty of the elves you’ll understand why I love it so much when you visit let’s start this video off at Grindelwald almost every time I come to

Switzerland I find myself back at this enchanting Village I mean when you think of Switzerland this is it Swiss chalets Green Pastures and mountains everywhere you look it never ceases to blow my mind now Grindelwald is overshadowed by the Iger Mountain The iger’s North Face Rises over 1800 meters high and is

Considered to be one of the most challenging climbs in the Alps now in Grindelwald there’s just so much to do me and my brother rented some e-bikes and we rode them up the mountain we made it to the famous first Cliff Walk and check that out and then we wrote the

Copsey lake I mean I can’t recommend Grindelwald enough there’s just something magical about this Swiss village now after we’re gonna head over to harder cool I recently visited this iconic spot and I was pleasantly surprised now to reach harder comb you can walk from the interlocking train

Station and then you’ll take out this steep funicular that costs about 35 now when you reach the top there’s a restaurant an incredible viewing area if you want you can hike out the Mountain Ridge the heart of grat I underestimate how far it was but it still was

Beautiful up there now one of my favorite features of harder cool is the view that you get of the iconic Iger Monk and Jungfrau mountains I think one of the best times to go up here is during sunset the light hits those mountains perfectly and creates for amazing atmosphere up there after we’re

Gonna head over to Eastern Switzerland to visit zilcersi located a few minutes outside of Saint Moritz I think this is one of the best places to experience the golden larches in the fall the lake is just massive it’s the largest natural lake in the Alps above 1000 meters one

Of the unique features of the lake is this peninsula it’s almost like a connected Island that out into the lake and it’s a great place to hike and explore some nature there’s a road that goes along the Lake’s Edge and I like just pulling off to one of the many rest

Stops and enjoying the beauty of this Alpine Lake now afterwards we’re going to take a drive on the nearby Bernina pass it’s a Scenic Road that connects St March to the Italian border on the drab you’ll witness massive Mountain glaciers and if you go on Autumn there’s going to

Be tons of those golden arches now one of the main reasons I wanted to go on the Bernina pass was to see the brusio spiral Viaduct it’s located right near the Italian Border in the town of brusio it’s this incredibly unique via duct that was built in 1908 to reduce the

Incline gradient on the train now the famous Bernina Express rides along the viaduct many times during the day why are you there you can walk around and under the viaducts nine arches as you wait for the Bernina Express to pass by after we’re gonna go for a swim at Vale

Versaska located in the Italian region of Switzerland Vale Versace is famous for having this medieval bridge that goes over some of the clearest river water in the world I’ve been here several times and every occasion I’m just baffled by the beauty of this place the water is crystal clear and the

Bridge is a prime place to do some cliff jumping it took me a while to build up the curse of jump but I was able to throw a Gainer into the water another fun thing you can do is swim in the river I brought some goggles and I

Couldn’t believe the clarity of the water the rocks look so interesting from beneath and even though it was cold there’s just something energizing about swimming in freezing cold water after we’re going to visit the city of Zurich located in North Central Switzerland Zurich is one of the world’s largest

Financial center it’s often labeled as one of the most expensive cities in the world now Zurich was founded by the Romans in 15 BC and today it’s the most populous city in Switzerland I mean it’s just hard to beat the senior of the city

There I love how it sits at the edge of the lake and the limat river runs right through it another thing that I love about Zurich is there’s so many places that are just an hour or two’s drive from in the city one of my favorite nearby places is limerency it’s about an

Hour and a half drive from Zurich you start by taking up a cable car and when you reach the top you’re going to go through a three kilometer tunnel through the mountain I believe it was originally built by a company who made the dam and now you could walk through it we reached

The end and we arrived to the lake it’s a striking turquoise color surrounded by an Amphitheater of mountain walls now the hike to the top was freaking hard it’s very Steep and felt like it went on forever but after about an hour we made it to the iconic Viewpoint it’s this

Rocky Peninsula that gives you a perfect view of the reservoir below I just had a blast running around up there I mean there’s no greater feeling than running free in the mountains afterwards we’re going to visit for now stock for Naf stock is this Giant mountain that sits

Above Lake Lucerne now to reach it you take the stewsbon funicular which is the steepest in Europe and it’ll take you to the beautiful car free Village of stews and from there you’ll take up two more chair lifts now once you reach the top you’ll have a phenomenal view of Lake

Lucerne in the surrounding Mountains from FNAF stock you can make the hike to klingenstock it’s a 4.4 kilometer trail that rides along the Ridge and once you reach klingenstock you can take the chairlift down to stews overall such a beautiful area now after we’re going to visit Chase erect look in eastern

Switzerland about two hours drive from Zurich this is a mountain peak and also a ski resort in the winter now to reach the top you’ll take up a funicular and then another chair lift when I reach the top I was just stoked it had just snowed

The night before so there was this fresh layer of powder and it created for such a beautiful scenery what I love about Chaser rug is the view you get of this your furston mountain range it’s a set of Peaks that look like Teeth coming out

Of the mountain I mean it’s so cool and I love to come up here during the summer time while you’re up there you can get a bite to eat at the Modern Lodge where there’s plenty of hiking trails with amazing views right below chaserug is one of my favorite lakes in Switzerland

Valenzi it’s this rather large lake and it’s surrounded by mountains on both sides I mean it’s an amazing place to go go swimming or boating in the summertime one thing that I thought was so interesting was that there’s this town that was built on the Mountainside

Called armor I mean it just baffles me that the Swiss are able to build Villages and towns in the most unlikely places after we’re gonna head over to the mountains of appenzel located in about an hour outside of Zurich these mountains quickly became one of my favorite places I’ve ever been it’s home

To these massive Dragon mountains that look like something straight out Lord of the Rings now to get up the mountain I took a gondola and then from the top we hiked about an hour to reach this hotel me and my buddy Danny decided to stay the night so we could watch the sunset

We got all settled in then we ventured off to find the perfect spot to watch the sunset the clouds were covering the sky so we only had about 15 minutes of sunlight but man it was easily one of the best sunsets of my life I mean I

Just can’t believe the beauty of these mountains is what dreams are made of now there’s also a one-of-a-kind restaurant built into the side of a cliff and there’s also this incredible lake at the the bottom both of them I failed the visit so don’t make my mistake if you

Come after we’re going to visit the nearby soccer Luke now I’ve been wanting to do this hike for years and I finally did it this fall you can start the hike several ways I took the cable cart from frimson it was about 36 Swiss Francs round trip and when he reached the top

There’s this Scenic Mountainside restaurant that has some amazing views of Austria and Liechtenstein now you can follow the trail to soccer Luke it wasn’t too difficult and took about 45 minutes to reach the iconic rock formation I mean I was just freaking excited to be up there it’s such a

Uniquely cheap mountain and there’s plenty of great viewpoints to see it from I was here during the fall so the grass was yellow but I’d love to come back in the summertime when everything’s nice and green I mean I just love the mountains in the athensdale region

They’re just so unique and just such a beautiful area all around after we’re gonna head over to Western Switzerland to visit the Charming medieval town of gruyere I always hear this last summer and I was just blown away by this little town the crowning feature of gruyere is

Its Castle it was built in the 13th century and today it stands as one of Switzerland’s most famous fortresses I just love the backdrop it has of the Alps I mean just such an insane location aside from the castle the town is just fun to walk around and it’s also known

For being the home of the famous gruyere cheese which is one of the most popular cheeses in all of Switzerland now afterwards we’re going to head to the nearby Glacier 3000 now locate about an hour from Google Glacier 3000 is this incredible Mountain Area now the main

Reason I wanted to go here was to visit the peak walk which is the only Peak to Peak bridge in all of Switzerland we had to take two gondolas up to get there and when we reached the top we were at the edge of some clouds I mean just so wild

To be up there and I’d love to go back on a clear day to get a better view of the mountains now right below Glacier 3000 there’s this place called crew Duchamp it’s this gigantic bowl of mountains and there’s several waterfalls that Cascade down the rock face now the

Mountains in the bowl are called delay Diablo Ray which translates to the devil levels because there’s a myth that devils and demons would throw rocks off the top of the mountain now to get to the bull it’s about a 45 minute walk from the town of Ray I mean it’s just

Such a Scenic and quiet area and definitely worth the visit now afterwards we’re going to visit one of my favorite cities in all Switzerland Geneva located on the southern dip of Lake Geneva in Western Switzerland Geneva is Switzerland’s second most populous city after Zurich I was lucky

Enough to live here for a summer I just absolutely loved it it’s where the headquarters of the United Nations are so there’s a lot going on the Geneva water fountain is one of the city’s most famous landmarks as it Jets out water that shoots over 140 meters High I mean

I just love Geneva and I hope you all can visit one day now if you want to explore more of Lake Geneva I recommend checking out the Vineyards that border the lake one of my favorite places is near this Village called epis it’s full of Terrace Vineyards that accompany the

View of the massive Lake I mean it doesn’t even feel like you’re in Switzerland I felt like I was in France or Italy the North shore of Lake Geneva is called the Swiss Riviera and I totally understand why now afterwards we’re going to visit oshinenzi now I

Think this is one of the most impressive Alpine lakes in all of Switzerland to reach it it’s about an hour’s drive from Interlaken and then you can either hike up or take a buck on Dola now when you reach the top it’s just a short walk to

The lake the mountain face that serves the little Lake backdrop is just unbelievably massive now if you go in the summertime you can take a boat or swim in the water if you can handle the cold now one of my favorite things to do in oceanenzi is to hike the trail that

Goes above the lake it’ll just get some phenomenal views up there and there’s also this pair of pine trees that are perfectly lined up as they Overlook the lake and creates for such a beautiful sight now after we’re gonna head over to falferral special thanks to my buddy GMO

Graphic for taking me here he has one of the best YouTube channels on Switzerland and I’ll link it in the description below now if you’re into hiking in nature you’ll really enjoy this place it’s this Valley surrounded by massive mountains on both sides and home to those golden larches they get there from

Oceanenzi you can take this train that you drive your car onto and it’ll take you through the mountain and then it’s just a short drive after there’s a big parking lot and from there you can take about a 20 minute hike and you’ll reach this little upon lake called gruncie I

Mean it was so clean and clear and had an impressive backdrop of the mountains now if you’re really up for adventure you can hike up to the glacier and there’s some beautiful mountain Huts up there after we’re gonna visit the idyllic Village of lugerne if you’re on

Your way to visit the young foul region from Zurich you’ll probably pass through lungern now one of my favorite features of this area is its Lake I really enjoy just walking along this Shore it was so peaceful and Serene I mean if you’re looking for idyllic Swiss Village you’ll

Find it here another notable nearby Village is itovald it’s a small municipality built on Lake Brands now one of the most notable features of the city is its Castle which sits perfectly on the picturesque Peninsula I mean Switzerland just has too many Scenic Villages now after we’re gonna visit the

Alex Glacier now located in the Bernie’s Alps the allesh glacier is over 23 kilometers long making it the longest glacier in Switzerland I’m just so freaking huge when I got to the top it was just hard to fasten the scale of this Glacier and I found the uniform

Dark lines of shattered rocks so interesting when you’re up at the top you can enjoy a meal at the restaurant or you could hike to the cross on Eggos Horn Peak to get a panoramic view of the glacier now at the very end of alesh Glacier is the young friedak me and my

Buddies decided to take Europe’s highest train to the top now normally the tickets in summertime cost around 240 dollars but we got the early bird special so it’s half off we rode the train up the mountain halfway we made a pit stop and we’re able to see the

Glacier after the pit stop we got back on the train and made it to the top when you reached the final stop you’ll get off the train and go through some tunnels it was a little confusing to me anyways we made it to the ice plateau

And we’re able to get an incredible view of the glacier below after we went on top of the Sphinx territory to get some more amazing views now one of the coolest Parts a young for Yak is the glacier tunnels you’re able to walk through these tunnels carved out of ice

And surprisingly it wasn’t too cold or slippery while a trip to Young for Yak is expensive I think everyone should do it at least once in their life after we’re gonna head down to the magical Village a lot of ruin this is possibly the most beautiful Village on Earth it’s

A valley of over 72 waterfalls and it inspired J.R.R tolkien’s Rivendell to get to a lot of ruining it’s about a two hour drive from Zurich The stavic Falls is one of the most magical features a lot of Britain it falls over 297 meters into the valley if you do visit larun I

Recommend just walking around the village and marveling at all the beauty a lot of Rune has to offer after we’re gonna visit the village of murrin now just from larun it’s just a few minutes drive down the Valley now the city is just enchanting it’s filled with Swiss

Chalets and incredible views the main reason I want to go to Marin is to do the iconic via Rada I rented some gear at the intersport store for about 25 dollars and I was all ready to go before you start you walk through this tunnel it’s a good initiation and gets you

Pumped or nervous for what’s to come you then follow the path and it’s pretty chill for the first bit just walk through a little Forest but then you get to the cliffs there was this bishop platform to jump into the valley below just standing out at me and my stomach

Drop anyways after that the Via farada gets a little wild my favorite part is the section that goes across this sheer Cliff face with the thousand foot drop right below you I mean it’s perfectly safe as long as you’re clipped in to the iron wire with your gear after the cliff

Section and continued on the trail and the final obstacle is the bridge that goes over a deep Canyon this was honestly the scariest part for me because it was kind of shaky towards the middle and the thousand foot plus drop is intimidating but nonetheless I finished and made it to the town of

Gimovald it took me about two hours to do and it was so freaking fun another incredible place to visit in the area is she’ll horn its iconic mountain peak above Marin now the lift tickets were on the pricey side around 125 dollars a person you take up several lifts through

The clouds until you reach the top the shellhorn is famous for being featured in the 1969 James Bond film there’s a lot of 007 memorabilia on top the views are jaw dropping up there you’ll get clear views of the young Frau Monk and Eiger mountains you can enjoy a meal in

The rotating restaurant that completes a full rotation every 45 minutes we followed a trail that led us on the ridge I saw a guy preparing to paraglide and we found some little Huts to Shelter From the wind the weather conditions changed so fast up there one second

Would be clear and then a few minutes later it would be covered in clouds I mean gotta love those high altitude conditions now after exploring shellhorn you can take the gondola to the lower station of berg there’s incredible views and a place to have a mill there’s also

The thrill walk attraction which has several fun obstacles whether it’s walking in a tightrope or crawling through a wire tube with quite a drop below it’s sure to get your adrenaline pumping now for our final destination we’re going to visit Zermatt it’s a Charming Village shadowed over by the

Daunting Matterhorn mountain and there’s just something magical about this place now the city is full of shops and restaurants including my favorite McDonald’s now one thing you gotta do while you’re there is take the gonogra railway it starts in Zermatt and takes you up to 3100 meters to enjoy some of

The best views of the Matterhorn we got up super early to take the first train and climbed up the mountain I was just baffled by the views now we got off at the roten bone station and I was just so freaking excited I’ve been wanting to

Come here for years and it lived up to the hype there are two lakes that offer some of the best views of the Matterhorn and if the conditions are just right you can see a perfect reflection of the real the famous Peak not only is the views

Magical but there are some of the cutest sheep I’ve ever seen they have the curliest hair and twisted horns and look like an animal you would find in a fantasy novel now after running around we took the train to the top of the Railway through the gornograph it’s one

Of the coolest hotels that I’d love to stay at one day it reminds me of an evil villain’s Hideout once again you’ll get incredible views of the Matterhorn and the massive Glacier below now if you want to get up close and personal to the Matterhorn I’d recommend you take the

Gondola up to schwarzi it costs about 60 a person and you get on the lift in zermat it then takes you up to this little mountain lake called schwartzy and from there you can hike up to the base of the Matterhorn and this was probably one of my favorite things we

Did in Zermatt you get a chance to see the Matterhorn up close and just so freaking incredible I truly think mountains give off some sort of energy because I’m always amped and excited when I’m near them if you’re in zermat you gotta do this hike well that is it

For my Switzerland top 25 there’s still so many places I want to show you so be expecting a part two let me know where your favorite place is in Switzerland in the comments below it’s Ryan and we will see you later foreign


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