The Black Man’s Guide To Cali Colombia Travel NightLife Activities Petronio Alvarez music festival The Season 4

Good morning, everyone! This is your host, FRE dollar sign H fresh, coming at you from The Flower Boy way.

Don’t ask why, just check out the channel. Welcome back to the Black Man’s Guide to World Travel.

Today, we’re diving deep into the Afro culture of Colombia, specifically in the vibrant city of Cali, during the Petronio Alvarez Music Festival.

But before we begin, a quick disclaimer: The Black Man’s Guide to World Travel is based on my personal experiences as a black man from Newark, New Jersey.

While it reflects my own experiences, it may not necessarily apply to everyone. Now, let’s delve into the Black Man’s Guide to Cali, Colombia.

In this guide, we‘ll cover everything from flights and accommodations to the Petronio Alvarez Music Festival, nightlife, and more.

But first, I‘ll give you a heads up when I’ll be talking about the women of Cali, Colombia. If this topic isn’t for you, feel free to skip ahead.

The Petronio Alvarez Music Festival takes place in August every year and spans six days, usually starting on a Wednesday and ending on a Monday.

Accommodation options include staying in the northern part of Cali near the Chippy Choppy Mall, or in the southern part near the stadium where the festival is held.

Prices can vary based on your preferences and lifestyle. As for flights, I flew out of Miami International Airport with a round-trip ticket costing around $350 including baggage.

When it comes to accommodation, I opted for an Airbnb in close proximity to the Chippy Choppy Mall at a reasonable rate of $54 per night for a twobedroom apartment.

When it comes to currency exchange, avoid the airport as they offer the worst rates. Instead, try using ATMs or visit the Chippy Choppy Mall for better rates.

It‘s also worth noting that speaking Spanish is essential in Cali, as it’s not as touristy as other Colombian destinations.

While Uber is available, be mindful of longer waiting times and consider alternative local drivers like Isaac, who speaks English fluently and can provide valuable insights.

Join me as I explore Cali and share my experiences with you. Let’s dive into the vibrant culture and energy of this amazing city!


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