Sao Paulo Brazil – Vacation Travel Guide

Hey what’s up everybody frank valkyria welcome  to my channel today we’re doing another video   on sao paulo for those of you that were not so  happy about the video of yesterday uh truth to   be told the video yesterday on sao paulo was  more like a documentary also on other aspects

Of the city not only the the landscape and the  beauty so to speak so it went also a little bit   into the origin of certain problems and of course  that creates a little bit of discussion especially

Uh when you know when politics is involved so  anyway today you send me is actually a bunch of   you sent me this video from expedia i hope it  doesn’t get blocked we’re just doing a review   reaction you can go subscribe to the channel of  expedia do their uh travel guide videos super nice

Super awesome let’s go together check this out  let’s see sao paulo through other lenses literally sao paulo and southeast brazil is the most  populous city in the southern hemisphere and one   of the biggest on the planet i got that this once  modest missionary outpost has grown out to become

The country’s economical and cultural powerhouse  welcome to the fascinating city of sao paulo   oh man look at this i look at those  pictures so nice and colorful and sunny days   i’m like okay fine fondly known as santa these  are the locals who call themselves paulistanos

And this is what paulistanos i like that  senpai paulistanos look at those nice   shots really nice of course they  focus more on the beauty of b-rolls   but yeah that’s also nice way to see things out  there some monuments strong coffee named cafezino

Which they call fuchsia and of course what is that  fuchii bowl what is that fuchibo cafezinho i like   that cafe for me i have to do something like that  i have to make a shirt for me uh and the fuji ball

Like sounds awesome it’s like sounds like what you  call your their ones you know your girlfriend or   you know you know your boyfriend depending  on whatever like fuchsia bon fuji fuji can   i have a little coffee okay i’ll do it myself i  apologize like that start that’s awkward carnival

Sao paulo may not have rio’s famous beaches  but it makes up for it in culture in this   energetic and creative city you can enjoy  the cool escape of nearly a hundred museums   and taste flavors from all over the world  in some 20 000 cafes and restaurants

Because sao paulo is so incomprehensibly  big it helps to start at the very beginning   of its history oh nice flowers the botanical  gardens in parque du estado near the airport   preserved some of the atlantic rainforest that  covered much of the brazilian coast nice that i

Like the landscape was transformed when the  portuguese arrived on a mission to convert   the native amerindians to the catholic faith  stand on the very spot where [ __ ] missionaries a city was founded by portuguese jesuits in 1554  at the patio do collegio in the old city center

The location of their main church the prasa da say   now houses the neo-gothic metropolitan  cathedral with its renaissance dome   which was modeled on that of the cathedral of  florence in italy very nice gothic church in   the 17th century sao paulo grew exponentially  when a gold rush attracted miners to the region

Next came african slaves who were imported to  work in the sugar cane and coffee plantations   the 19th century brought more europeans and  the japanese followed in the 20th century   the resulting melting pot of cultures is the  pulsing engine that now drives brazil’s economy

The city’s oldest district centro has been home to  latin america’s largest stock exchange since 1890   while just across the street is the richly  decorated lobby of the former state bank’s   headquarters building three miles nice building  sometimes a little heavy those buildings but i

Also like those buildings from the 50s and 40s  they have a very peculiar also arch nouveau   touch to it which was present throughout europe  was starting from france still liberty art duval   uh in english uh what is it like oh goddammit  now the word doesn’t come to mind article

Are they called so big cd man absolutely huge cd  through the lens of uh of course a travel company   it’s super nice bright colorful sunny  so you get the really sense of like uh   you know i’m gonna buy a ticket right now and go  there so that’s why i said it’s also interesting

To see you know a little bit different takes  on a place like everywhere else of course like   everywhere else but this is super nice to the  south avenida paulista was built on the wealth of   the first coffee barons as the country’s financial  artery and one of the city’s main thoroughfares

The boulevard pulses with the energy of about  one and a half million pedestrians per day   wow apart from investing  i like that like a rooftop   garden that’s awesome in its financial  economy sao paulo also has a policy of

Boosting its creative economy making the city one  of brazil’s most exciting cultural hubs i like the avenida paulista is home to the  gravity-defying sao paulo museum of art   inside view paintings by  acclaimed european masters   such as van gogh rafael and picasso as  well as brazil’s own leading artists very cool

This remarkable museum belongs to the people  and it was the wish of the architect that her   modernist design would return the same  amount of public space that it borrowed   leaving the square underneath open for public  enjoyment i i don’t know like how you feel about

This thing i understand it’s like you know with  the structure like this that basically props it up   from the ground basically it’s leaning on those  four huge columns which is pretty amazing actually   the these all like it’s free throughout the middle  here or there is also columns because that’s

Pretty remarkable okay if this goes also the spine  goes all the way from top so that that’s also   the part that it’s basically like holding the the  floor i suppose um look wise i don’t know i don’t   doesn’t look particularly beautiful  but like being just a a rectangle

Uh you know like this three-dimensional of course  you use the most space and of course underneath   you can use the space to go but then again if  there was two floors you would have had more   uh museum i’m just saying maybe an inside garden  doesn’t look very appealing to walk underneath

In between the traffic there but finance and  creativity go hand in hand at the banco do brazil   a historic financial institution that hosts one  of the city’s most prominent cultural centers in a nice that sees more than a million  cars crisscrossing hundreds of miles of   interconnected highways each and every day

Really like a big american city like with  the highways i’ve said that yesterday too   that’s a like super crowded man is a breath of fresh air to the new center tour the nearby century old  municipal theatre a beauzarts building dedicated

To ballet opera and other stage shows very lovely  inspired by the famous opera house palais garnier   in paris of course paris was inspired by  rome and of course this new classical style   but very nice actually very lovely monuments and  that’s actually great that their news you know

Find more cultural attractions to the north in  the jardin de luz district the historic giulio   prestas train station has been transformed  into an esteemed and elegant cultural center   while touring the grand halls of this monumental  building don’t miss the sala sao paulo a massive

Wood paneled concert hall with an adjustable  ceiling wow the resulting acoustics are said   to rival those of the famous concert halls  of vienna and berlin oh that would be nice   nearby is the oldest art museum in sao paulo  it’ll be really nice to see a concert in there

And acoustic a pina colada take your time here  because in this beautifully renovated school of   arts and crafts you can admire nearly 9 000 pieces  including many priceless brazilian collections there is no better place to experience brazil’s  culinary culture than the nearby markets of fruit

And veggies look at how beautiful this looks  i love this i’ll be every day here buying my   fruits and veggies every day i mean when  i see this video i’m like okay i’m going   uh the video of yesterday because also deals with  issues and stuff and wasn’t really focusing also

On the nice b-roll shots of the city wasn’t super  enticing i have to say so like but this maybe it’s   leaning on the other side of the spectrum is  trying to focus too much on the beauty and the

Color and the saturation of the images but still  like when i see this i’m like wow i like this city   i think i could function in there home-grown  fruits cheeses meats and other local specialties   i could definitely continue to make videos and  being a youtuber and everything from sao paulo

Brazil that’s super awesome man find a table on  a mezzanine level to look down on the hustle and   bustle and admire the richly decorated windows  of this impressive market hall wow beautiful   beautiful market hall an eye-catching building  of a completely different kind is the ibirapuera

Auditorium i don’t like it designed by brazil’s  prolific architect oscar niemeyer it’s part of   ibirapura park in the south of the city sorry i  don’t like it while in the park visit the museum   of modern art and the afro-brazil museum or simply  join the locals in the city’s favorite playground

Sao paulo wouldn’t be a brazilian city if it  didn’t have an arena devoted to the nation’s   biggest sports heroes in the pacambu  stadium soccer legends such as delay   ronaldo romario and ronaldinho are on show in the  highly interactive exhibits of its football museum

Well i assume also a short drive to  the west assume also other legends   from other football teams have played there  right i’m sure from like i don’t know both   inside football i don’t follow football but you  know between national and international teams   uh fighting like you know  playing against each other

The stadium is madalena shop for unique souvenirs  in one of the colorful stores or have lunch with   the locals the neighborhood is as famous for  its little shops and art galleries as for its   marvelous street art some of these artists have  since made a name for themselves on a world stage

Having risen above its humble beginnings as a  missionary outpost in an uncharted land sampa   is not only brazil’s economic powerhouse but also  the guardian of its priceless intangible assets   it’s a city of culture creativity hospitality  and man looks like it’s always summer there

Sao paulo today rides a wave of positive i  mean if i see this i’m literally like okay   from now on three months i hear sao paulo like  i love the vibe uh actually uh i think it’s   the season or the other side right because  sao paulo should be below the equator

So probably the seasons are reversed which makes  it even more awesome if you like want to spend   the sort of spring summer there in the winter  here makes total sense energy into the future   and is truly a destination that is much  greater than the sum of its parts nice

All right expedia thank you so much for the  ride and now i’m already buying a ticket   god damn it guys thank you so much also for the  suggestion if you wanted me to do more videos

Like this let me know was a ton of fun also  to look at the more beautiful side of the city   and also also if you want me to review more cds  sign up the videos hopefully you know they stay

Up they don’t get blocked and also you can  subscribe to xperia uh channel there and uh   watch the video the original video and other  videos uh you can also watch other videos to   help my channel if you want and uh i’ll see  you later you take good care of yourself ciao


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