Patagonia – travel here to the land that time forgot and set out on the journey of a lifetime where Mother Nature runs the show.

Patagonia is a region that occupies the extreme south of Latin America. The Andes mountain range forms the border between the Argentine and Chilean parts.

While the former is characterized by arid steppes, grasslands and deserts, the latter, the Chilean side, has glacial fjords and rainforests.

Argentina’s famous RN-40 highway passes Fitz Roy Mountain and Perito Moreno Glacier in Los Glaciares National Park.

Patagonia, whether Chilean or Argentine, is the destination of all contrasts, of all adventures. Whatever your travel style, we are sure you will find what you are looking for here.

Whether you love winter sports, snowy nature, and winter, you can’t help but pass through the resorts of San Martín de Los Andes, in the province of Neuquén, and San Carlos de Bariloche.

If, on the other hand, you appreciate more the scenic roads that offer breath-cutting views, it seems that the Road of Seven Lakes, El Camino de Los Sietes Lagos, and the Lagin National Park are very interesting alternatives that should not be excluded from your program.

Nautical activities then are plentiful in Patagonia. The town of Junín of Los Andes is regarded as the “Trout Capital” precisely because of the large amount of fish in these waters, or there is the possibility of navigating the channels in the direction of the mythical Detroit of Magellan, Cape Horn, or even Malouines!


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