Dubai is the world record breaking city in the UAE that’s known for luxury lifestyles but this city isn’t as shallow as it may seem.

Habibi come to Dubai hey guys we’re Ian and Anna and we just spent the last two weeks in the incredible futuristic city of Dubai in this video we want to share with you our top 15 favorite things to do in this city let’s start off with number 15 Miracle

Garden this three-time Guinness World Record breaker is filled with 150 million flowers and is the perfect place for not only flower lovers but also children you’ll notice just how family friendly it is when you initially walk in and are greeted by two Immaculate shrub stallions that serve as a gate to

The rest of the Majestic Garden there’s endless fun things to see including a Smurf Village a flower princess floating above her castle and the world’s biggest floral installation which is that life-sized replica of the Emirates airplane as I’m sure you know Dubai gets pretty hot so we recommend coming as

Soon as it opens at 9am you only need to spend one to two hours to see everything you want and if you have some extra time you can head over to the world’s largest butterfly garden that holds 15 000 butterflies coming up is number 14 Dubai

Mall the Dubai Mall is the largest mall in the world and is roughly the size of 200 football fields it has more than 1200 stores with every brand you could possibly think of in around 200 restaurants you could definitely open entire day here especially because it’s connected to the Burj Khalifa and right

Outside its doors is the famous water show other mind-blowing things you could find here is an Olympic-sized ice skating rink the world’s largest indoor aquarium and even 150 million year old dinosaur which was discovered in Wyoming if you’re not a fan of crowds avoid this area at all costs because it gets around

75 million visitors a year and can feel quite claustrophobic next up is number 14 the iconic Burj Khalifa since 2009 the Burj Khalifa has been the tallest building in the world at 828 meters high it’s equivalent to the size of three Eiffel Towers or two empire state

Buildings it cost a whopping 1.5 billion dollars to complete this structure there’s 160 floors and you can ride all the way to 154 to visit the highest outdoor observation deck in the world don’t worry there’s glass surrounding it so you won’t fall off I don’t think people realize just how big this

Building is if you’re standing at its base you have to crank your head all the way back just to see the tip of it and why you turn it sideways so they can see like how it doesn’t even fit in the frame oh my God the building’s exterior

Contains 26 000 glass panels and I know what you’re thinking how do they keep it so clean while they hire 120 glass cleaners and it takes them three months to clean the entire building and of course while you’re there just outside the Burj Khalifa you can see the world’s

Largest water show the Dubai Fountain was designed by a california-based company also responsible for the creation of the Bellagio Fountains in Las Vegas it was so cool taking in the water show from above on the observation deck and then seeing it again from the ground floor The Fountains dance every

30 minutes starting at 6 PM the bird lights up in the background and is truly a sight to see apparently this spot is also very cool at New Year’s when there are fireworks shooting from the building combined with a truly Sensational water show next we have number 12 Museum of

The future this has to be one of the coolest buildings we’ve ever seen and it makes sense because its nickname is the most beautiful building on earth the symbolism behind it though makes it even more impressive the building’s circular form represents Humanity the green Mound it sits on represents the earth and the

Void in the middle represents our unknown future wrapping the outside of the windows are three quotes from Sheikh Mohammed who is the prime minister of the UAE and the ruler of Dubai and these quotes in Arabic are his thoughts and vision for the city’s future the Museum

Of the future officially opened to the public in 2022 so it’s brand new and that’s why we couldn’t even get a ticket to enter we highly recommend you book online before arriving so we’ll make sure to put a link in the description below inside you can expect to see the

Future of space travel robots Innovation and sustainability even if you can’t enter the museum you can still check out the lobby which looks like you’re walking into the future it’s an all-white room with spiral staircases mesmerizing elevators and a ceiling that glows up with more Arabic quotes

Personally the best time to visit is at Sunset and when it gets dark this entire structure glows in the night with the city shining all around it up next is number 11 The Unbelievable Palm Jumeirah there are three man-made islands off the coast of Dubai but the biggest and most

Famous is the Palm Jumeirah this palm trees shaped island stretches five kilometers into the Arabian Gulf and it’s so massive that you can see it from space to create this they blasted 7 million tons of rock from a nearby mountain and dug up sand below the Persian Gulf it costs 12 billion dollars

And took six years to build the famous Atlantis stands at the front of the palm and here you can have a full day of fun at the water park which broke the world record for most water slides we actually did spend a day here and it was an

Absolute blast I think if you have kids this is the perfect spot to get some of their energy out definitely visit the Tower of Neptune first to go on the leap of faith Atlantis most famous water slide if you’re an adrenaline junkie and want to go skydiving I don’t know of

Many other places that you can skydive with a view like this one this is actually the only way to see the Palm from above other than taking a helicopter ride let us know in the comments below if you’ve gone skydiving in Dubai because we would love to hear

Your opinion let’s move on to number 10. rooftop bars and pools Dubai is all about that go big or go home mentality and they definitely didn’t skimp out on rooftop pools and bars of course Dubai holds two more records first it has the world’s highest infinity pool and second

It has the world’s highest 360 degree infinity pool called Aura sky pool the one we really wanted to visit was the aura sky pool but of course it was booked out for two weeks when we were there so please make sure to book reservations far in advance if you like

To drink alcohol with city views we have heard great things about level 43 Sky Lounge which is located on the roof of the Sheraton Hotel this Sky Lounge overlooks Sheikh Zaid Highway which is this famous road that connects all seven Emirates in the UAE it has an astounding

14 lanes and during your time in Dubai you will definitely spot supercars flying down this highway now on to number nine the Dubai frame so be completely honest with you guys at first I thought the concept of a gold-plated giant picture frame in the middle of the

City was a little odd I kind of didn’t want to go but then I found out what it symbolized the Dubai frame represents a connection between both the past and the present in this rapidly changing City when you’re at the top of the building on one side you’ll see old Dubai where

Everything began and on your other side you’re going to be seeing the most futuristic city in the world that has just been built in the last 40 years time when you walk outside that elevator the floors are actually censored so when you step on them they turn clear and you

Can see all the way to the ground below you even gave us a pretty good Adrenaline Rush stepping on those floors coming up we have number eight Dune buggying a trip to Dubai is not complete without visiting the sand dunes surrounding the city we went on a safari

Tour that we’ll talk about later in the video but right now is all about dune buggy we ended up choosing the cheapest one hour tour that we could find which was 156 dollars total for two people that means each driver will get around 30 minutes behind the wheel which was

More than enough time for us for our tour we decided to get up bright and early one morning at 7 A.M and head one hour to the sand dunes which was the best decision not only is it less hot but we had the entire tour to ourselves

Because no one wanted to get up that early just so you know in Dubai it’s a law that you need a tour guide to lead you around the sand dunes and at first I was super disappointed especially because it started out really slow basically at the beginning the guide

Wants to feel out your driving skills and once you are more confident he definitely lets you go much faster just in case the tour companies run out of helmets with face masks make sure to bring sunglasses so the sand doesn’t spray in your face the whole time

Whizzing up and down the sand dunes is not only thrilling but hilarious because as the passenger you never really know what your partner is going to do there are endless kinds of tour companies for everyone’s budget and with different high-speed dune buggies I’ll make sure

To link a couple below for you guys next up is number seven Hell’s Kitchen now if you haven’t seen the short we posted on this you should go watch it ASAP you’ll really understand my love for all things Gordon Ramsay if you don’t know what house kitchen is it’s a restaurant

Inspired from Gordon Ramsay’s famous TV show Hell’s Kitchen we’ve had the pleasure of eating at HK at Caesar’s Palace in Vegas and it was so good any chance we get to eat at it again we take the opportunity oddly enough this is his only Hell’s Kitchen restaurant outside

Of the US everything is designed just like the TV show where there’s a red and blue team and they cook right in front of you our highly recommended dishes to you would be the brata salad followed by Gordon’s famous Beef Wellington which is so freaking delicious you have to get it

Best dessert we’ve ever had in our life the famous sticky toffee pudding oh my mouth is watering just thinking about it moving on to number six food tour let’s be honest food is the best part of travel and that’s why in every place we visit around the world we always start

Our time with a local food tour you not only get to try some of the best food during your trip but you also get to make friends with locals that will teach you all about the culture we met our tour guide Sandy in Dara which is the

Heart of Dubai’s Old Town here we stroll through the Maze of narrow Alleyways passing by classic Sandstone buildings and trying all sorts of dishes like camel gelato Falafel pitas chicken shawarma and much more then it was time to pass through the golden spice souks where there are mounds of colorful

Spices and more gold than we’ve seen in our lives lastly we crossed the Dubai Creek on traditional boats to visit burdubai and have delicious messy platters and some fresh squeezed orange juice throughout our experience Sandy was begging us to try the camel Burger but Anna had zero interest because

That’s her favorite animal of course I’m willing to try a bite of just about anything so Sandy brought us the most famous spot for Camel bear to be honest I felt guilty the entire time because in this restaurant you are surrounded by tons of cute camel artwork and wallpaper

Visiting the old town of Dubai was such a breath of fresh air especially when you’re surrounded by skyscrapers all day now let’s move on to number five jet skiing although you can jet ski anywhere in the world there are very few places that offer as epic of a Skyline as jet

Skiing in Dubai does within one hour we were able to see the Burj al-arab the Atlantis and the mass of Dubai Skyline with a Burj Khalifa in it we booked a one-hour session in the morning and let me tell you I don’t think it was enough

We recommend going in the morning at 9am not only is it a great way to wake up but the waves are the calmest at that time even though Sunset sounds like it would be nice and fun the water gets super choppy and it’s way more crowded

Which allows you less room to go wild either way you can’t get too wild because it’s a requirement in Dubai to jet ski with a tour guide but our guy was super chill and Ian reached 70 miles per hour on his jet ski so they’re not extremely restrictive

Quick announcement this entire trip and video would not be possible without our sponsor get your guide get your guide is a platform with over 65 000 experiences worldwide everything you’ve seen this video was booked through their app they offer tour guides experiences entrance fee tickets and even skip the line

Opportunities just like the Burj Khalifa We got to skip the entire massive line there and they also let you cancel 24 hours before your tour starts and you get all your money back everything will be linked down in the description below and we get a small little Kickback so we

Can keep creating travel guys just like this one next up number four Dubai Marina and beaches Dubai is probably one of the most well-rounded cities in the world you have world record breakers for pretty much any category beautiful architecture old and new deserts and more fun than you could feel in a

Lifetime but to have all this and be right next to the Persian Gulf with amazing beaches you really can’t beat it now when visiting Dubai you’ll probably stay in one of two locations either in the city center close to the Burj Khalifa or 25 minutes down the road near

Dubai Marina during our two weeks in Dubai we split up our time and stayed seven days downtown and seven days in the Dubai Marina and honestly if we can go back I would have spent more time near the marina there’s just nothing like having a hundred dollar Airbnb a

Five minute walk from the beach there are plenty of beaches lining up the coast but we visited the most popular called jbr Beach right near the marina even though it’s super crowded it was the best spot to take in the sunset watch Yachts Roll by and even see the

Largest ferris wheel in the world which was inspired by the London Eye another fun thing you could do at the marina is take dinner cruises up and down the coast at night which would be such a relaxing way to see different perspectives of Dubai next up is number

Three Deep dive Dubai Deep dive Dubai is another world record-breaking facility allowing Thrill Seekers to dive into another dimension this is the deepest pool in the world at 60 meters deep but it’s so much more than a pool it’s basically like exploring a sunken city it seems like there are so many rooms

And crevices filled with unique things to do there’s even a game room where you can play foosball or chess that is like all my favorite things combined in one place deep dive Dubai is the one thing I really really wanted to do unfortunately it’s a bit expensive and it was all

Booked up while we were there all the more reason to visit again though next up number two Abu Dhabi even though this one isn’t located in Dubai and Abu Dhabi day trip is a must do Abu Dhabi is the largest Emirate and also the capital city of the UAE if Dubai is the

Financial and tourism Hub then Abu Dhabi is the oil capital and that’s because 96 of the country’s oil is found in this one Emirate right now to visit Abu Dhabi you need a kova test but most tour companies will help you set one up at your hotel beforehand after driving an

Hour and a half from Dubai to Abu Dhabi you can first stop at the Louvre Museum if you haven’t noticed Dubai likes to copycat a lot of famous landmarks around the world and they went over the top for the Louvre just for the name itself the UAE paid France 500 million dollars for

A 30-year contract although this museum has a bunch of cool art it’s nothing compared to the galleries in Paris but the real thing to be excited about here is this spectacular architecture this massive floating Dome on top of an all-white building contrast perfectly with the surrounding blue water what’s

Really cool about the Dome is that it has eight different layers which creates this rain of light effect coming through as you’re walking around after Lube you can visit many more places like the Emirates Palace which is now turned into a hotel that you could stay at and then

You could hop right over to the presidential Palace where all the government meetings are held now one of the main reasons you’re probably wanting to visit Abu Dhabi is for the Grand Mosque which is the ninth largest mosque in the world and can fit upwards of 40

000 worshipers at once this was by far the prettiest Moss we’ve ever been to especially because it’s all white marble walking around I couldn’t believe my eyes because it was just perfection keep in mind there is a dress code here where men have to cover their shoulders and

Knees and women have to cover pretty much everything besides their face thankfully our tour guide was nice enough to bring an extra Abaya which is a traditional outfit of amarati women another thing to keep in mind is that this is a place of worship so please be respectful the security guards do not

Want you touching each other in photos giving peace signs or basically any movement other than smiling now coming in at number one 1. the Safari tour a safari tour is something everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime when you leave the city and approach the desert you really get to

See what a local Bedouin lived like Bedouins are nomadic Arab tribes who have historically inhibited the desert regions although there aren’t many Native Bedouins left in the UAE their Traditions are passed down and celebrated with visitors if you have a layover or just a short amount of time

In Dubai you should definitely book a desert Safari tour here’s everything that’s included first you’ll get picked up from your accommodation it’s about an hour drive to the desert and the first thing offered is camel riding although we skipped with camel riding we did get

To say hi to some baby camels after all they are my favorite land animal next we rode in a d-class vintage Mercedes throughout the sand dunes which was so much fun it was a total Vibe especially once the most beautiful sun began setting along the ride we spotted wild

Gazelles and even the incredible Arabian oryx the Arabian oryx were so cool I can’t even describe private these are the official animal of the UAE and they’re extremely long straight horns will truly blow you away when you’re done adventuring you’ll head back to camp for a delicious feast including all

Of the best Middle Eastern foods like hummus taboo Leaf fattoush lamb and finally you’ll end the night with some traditional dancing and fire shows I absolutely love nights like these and I can’t recommend doing a desert Safari tour enough and that is a wrap make sure

To like and comment on this video so it gets pushed out to Travelers just like you we actually have two more videos you could watch on Dubai in this playlist right here right now we are in Bali for the next month and a half and we’re

Gonna have tons of videos on that so make sure to subscribe so you always get notified foreign


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