Croatia (Hrvatska) is a country in Southeast Europe. Croatia shares a beautiful coastline along the Adriatic Sea

Welcome to Croatia, widely regarded as one  of the most beautiful countries in the world,   and visited by millions of tourists.  You’re watching World Travel Guide,   in this video we will take you on an epic journey  to Croatia’s most fascinating towns and places,   most of which are located on  the beautiful Adriatic coast.

Croatia is a country at the crossroads of central  and southeast Europe. It shares a beautiful   coastline along the Adriatic sea. The country’s  capital and largest city is Zagreb. Croatia is   one of the most visited tourist destinations in  Europe, with a total of 20 million annual visitors.

Tourism in Croatia is concentrated in the areas  along the Adriatic coast, and is strongly seasonal.   8 areas in the country have been designated  national parks, with an additional 11 as nature   parks. There are also 10 sites in Croatia  on the list of World Heritage Sites.

Dubrovnik, also known as the Pearl of the  Adriatic, is a small coastal town with big   character, nested at the southern tip of Croatia.  Dubrovnik’s tumultuous history, breathtaking   architecture and seaside landscape, make it the  most popular destination in the Balkan region,

And one of the most popular in Europe. The  town was first established around the 7th   century, and was an independent republic  for 450 years. The city remained independent   throughout the rule of the Roman, Napoleon and  Turkish Empire, as a seaport with open trade.

In 1979. the city of Dubrovnik was added  to the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites,   in recognition of its outstanding medieval  architecture and fortified old town. The city walls   are open year-round, and take about 90 minutes to  complete the full circle. the HBO series Game of

Thrones used Dubrovnik as a filming location, which  made the town even more popular among tourists. Mljet is the first larger island you come upon, while  sailing the Croatian Adriatic from south to north.   It is Croatia’s greenest island with its  Mediterranean vegetation, clear and clean sea,

Gentle sandy shoreline and a wealth of underwater  sea life. The western third of the island has been   designated as a national park. Largely covered by  dense woodland, it centers on two interconnected   turquoise saltwater lakes, one of which has an  islet capped by a 12th century Benedictine

Monastery, which you can visit by taxi boat.  Popular with nature lovers, the park offers   plenty of things to do, including exploring the  numerous paths that run through the woodland.   There’s also a 9 kilometer trail, that  runs around the perimeter of the lakes,

Making it ideal for walking or mountain biking.  The area is also popular for swimming and kayaking.   There’s only one hotel on the island, but local  families do rent rooms to visitors in summer and   a number of reputable campsites are also available.  Mljet can be reached by ferry from Dubrovnik.

The beautiful Korčula island is one of the  absolute travel highlights of Croatia. Unique are   its various Mediterranean landscapes, characterized  by vineyards and hundred year old olive trees,   the small mountain villages and the many lonely  natural bays. The old town of Korčula is probably

The most beautiful, and at the same time the most  famous attraction on the island. Here you will   find a beautiful medieval old town, with a unique  flair, lovely attractions and many good restaurants.   Among the most famous inhabitants of the island  was the world traveler Marco Polo. According to

Records, he was born in the old town of Korčula.  Today, you can visit the birthplace as a museum.   Hvar is the most fashionable Dalmatian island. There  are countless impressive attractions that you can   discover here. In addition to the beautiful beaches,  you will find many opportunities for exciting

Activities and excursions. One of the highlights  is certainly Hvar town, which is often reviewed   as the most beautiful city in Croatia. Dating  back to the years spent under Venetian rule, its   car-free old town is made up of a spacious main  square, overlooked by a 16th century cathedral,

A pretty fishing harbor and a hilltop fortress. Hvar  is popular with yachters and celebrities, as well   as travelers, who come here to enjoy its beaches  and water sports. It is served by ferry from split Makarska is a combination of a cosmopolitan  seaside town, with its pretty promenade

And popular family resort in summer. It’s a  good holiday destination for those who want   a bit of a mix of everything, from beaches  to reasonably lively nightlife, as well   as a bit of adventure. One of the main sites in the  town is the Franciscan monastery, which was founded

By Bosnian monks and built in 1614. The basement  of the monastery houses a malacological museum,   which apparently has the largest collection of  snails, shells and mussels in the world. Fossils   from the region are also on display. Another  important site is the St. Mark’s church on the

Main square, which was built in 1776. Makarska  is also the center of the Makarska Riviera, a 60   kilometers long, popular tourist destination, with  some of the most beautiful beaches in Croatia. Brač is the largest island in Dalmatia,  with 400 square kilometers in size.

With its proximity to the mainland,  to the city of Split in particular,   the island is also very easy to reach. The ferry  brings you into Supetar, the main town, it’s   pretty harbor front, lined with restaurant  terraces. Brač is known for its fishing and

Agricultural products, with locals producing  olive oil, figs nectarines and other fruits.   But the main export is, and has been from ancient  times, the famous Brač stone. From this, many   famous buildings in the world have been built,  including the White House in Washington. Brač

Is a relatively dry island, and you won’t find  the lush vegetation of other Croatian islands,   but there are some lovely spots along the  rocky shores, which are great for scuba diving. Zlatni Rat or the Golden Horn is Croatia’s most  photographed beach. Located in Bol, on the south

Coast of the Brač island, this unusual land form  is made up of fine pebbles, and runs 500 meters   perpendicular to the coast. Depending on local  winds and currents, it moves and changes shape from   season to season. Backed by a cluster of pine trees  offering shade, it is lined in summer with sun beds

And umbrellas. Widely considered one of Europe’s  top beaches, the sea is warm enough to swim from   May through October. Extra attractions on the  beach include water sports, such as paddle boats,   sea kayaks and banana boat rides. The golden horn  is also Croatia’s top wind surfing destination.

A number of top luxury hotels are located nearby,  for those wanting to enjoy an extended stay here. Split is the second largest city of Croatia  and the largest city on the Croatian coast.   It lies on the eastern shore of the Adriatic  sea, and is spread over a central peninsula

And its surroundings. Located in the middle of the  Dalmatian coast, Split makes a great base on your   tour of Croatia. It is also an important transport  hub and a port city. Split has an awesome urban   vibe, yet it feels slow paced and relaxed. A 1700 -year-old Diocletian Palace, the heart of the town,

Is full of cafes, cool bars and lovely restaurants.  Each of the 4 town’s walls has a gate, located   at the center of the wall, dividing the palace  into 4 quarters. The seafront promenade – Riva –   a pride of all people from Split, bustles with  people. No matter how beautiful it is, Split is

Much more than just an architectural setting. It’s  a city where you can enjoy first class gastronomy,   film, theater, music festivals and exhibitions. And  if you want to avoid the urban bustle, there is the   green oasis of Marjan forest park, and kilometers  of beaches giving onto crystal clear water.

The historic city of Trogir is situated on  a small island, between the Croatian mainland   and the island of Čiovo. It lies 27  kilometers west of the city of Split.   The town is in fact only 3 kilometers from the  Split airport, and there is a direct bus from the

Airport to Trogir bus station. Since 1997. the  historic center of Trogir has been included in   the list of World Heritage Sites for its Venetian  architecture. Trogir’s best site is the cathedral   of St. Lawrence, which was completed in the 13th  century. The cathedral’s bell tower was built

Between the 14th and 16th century, and can be  climbed to enjoy awesome views from the top.   Parts of the city walls, built between the 13th  and 14th century, are visible today on the southern

Side of the city. In the middle of the city wall  is the city gate, which was built in 1593. The   Kamerlengo fortress is located on the southwestern  tip of the island, and can also be visited. Boasting a rich history that can be traced back as  far as the 11th century, the attractive Dalmatian

City of Šibenik has much to offer. While not  always as busy as other popular destinations   within Croatia, there’s no shortage of great things  to do here. You can explore the perfectly preserved   historic old town center. Here you’ll find elegant  15th century architecture, along with numerous

Attractions worth visiting. The 15th century  cathedral of St. James is a World Heritage Site,   and one of the finest churches in all  of Croatia. Also worth visiting are the   remains of St. John’s fortress, perched high  upon a hill overlooking the town, and boasting

Magnificent views over the Adriatic, and the  equally important St. Michael’s fortress, popular   for the traditional cultural performances,  hosted on its delightful open air stage. Krka National Park is one of Croatia’s national  parks, named after a river of the same name.

It is located along the middle lower  course of the river in central Dalmatia,   just a few kilometers northeast of the city of  Šibenik. The national park is a spacious, largely   unchanged region of exceptional and multifaceted  natural value, and includes one or more preserved

Or insignificantly altered ecosystems. Over 800  species of plant life have been identified as   being present there. The top attraction of the  park are its magnificent waterfalls, including   the famous Skradinski Buk falls, which are one of  Croatia’s most famous sites. A boat trip through

The park is a great way of seeing much of it. Best  of all, it is possible to swim in some locations. Zadar is the main city in north Dalmatia, with  about 75 000 inhabitants. Most famous for its

Old town, set in a peninsula that is completely  car-free, the town has numerous Roman and other   wonderful sites and is a delight to visit. Said  to be Croatia’s oldest continually inhabited city,   as it can trace its roots back as far as  the stone age, its top tourist attractions

Are its many fine Romanesque churches, most  of them built between the 9th and 13th century.   Zadar is perhaps sometimes overlooked  as a place to visit in Croatia.   However, it really is a charming town and  you won’t regret spending some time here.

It is also a very suitable base for day  trips to locations such as the Plitvice Lakes. Croatia’s most visited inland attraction, the  Plitvice Lakes National Park, encompasses steep   forested hillsides surrounding 16 emerald blue  lakes, connected by a succession of thundering   waterfalls. A network of footpaths and  wooden bridges crisscrosses the park,

And the entrance ticket includes boat rides across  the lakes. Thanks to the lush pristine nature, the   park is a haven for wild animals, including wolves  and bears, as well as owls, eagles and falcons.   There are several hotels on the edge of the park,  should you wish to stay the night. You can visit

Plitvice on organized sightseeing tours by  bus from Zagreb and Zadar. The Plitvice Lakes   is not only the oldest and the largest national  park in Croatia, but also a World Heritage Site. Rijeka is the principal seaport and  the third largest city in Croatia.

It is located on Kvarner bay, an inlet of the  Adriatic Sea. Historically, because of its strategic   position and its excellent deep water port, the  city was fiercely contested, especially between   the Holy Roman Empire, Italy and Croatia, changing  rulers and demographics many times over centuries.

Rijeka is considered something of a transit  city, and with few beaches it is not really   a place to stay for a long holiday. Many people  take a boat or bus, and leave for other places   along the coast quite soon. In addition to  the bonus of having to deal with fewer crowds,

This city offers plenty of attractions and things  to do. Highlights include exploring the old town’s   well-preserved cobbled streets and lanes, each  lined with splendid examples of town homes and   dwellings, as well as old shops and places of  trade. Be sure to visit the magnificent Trsat

Castle, built above the town in the 13th  century and accessible by a lovely pathway.   Opatija is located in Kvarner bay, about 14  kilometers from Rijeka. The coastal town   is famous mainly for its historical charm and  ambience, which is truly unique in Croatia. Opatija

Had its beginnings as a tourist resort in the  19th century, when the first villas were built.   Most of the sites are located directly along  the promenade, which can be explored on foot.   The promenade is 12 kilometers long, and you  can visit numerous attractions of Opatija

Just passing by. The must-see in Opatija  is definitely the historic town center.   Together with the main beach Slatina, it  forms the lively tourist center of the resort.   Walking by the sea, you will explore beautiful  gardens and parks, picturesque harbors and dreamy

Bathing bays that invite to jump into the  cool water. The most important landmark of   Opatija is the statue “Girl with a Seagull”. It is  located directly on the picturesque waterfront. Situated near the base of the Istrian peninsula,  Pula is the largest city in Istria. In addition

To its lovely seaside setting, including a  number of fine beaches, Pula is well known for   its well-preserved Roman architecture, and makes  for an excellent day trip for those staying in   other parts of the country. Though inhabited  by humans for tens of thousands of years,

It was the Romans over 2000 years ago who  left their mark. The most famous site in Pula is,   of course, the Roman amphitheater, which is called  The Arena. Built during the 1st century AD and   completed under the reign of emperor Flavius, this  amphitheater is the sixth-largest in the world.

The three-storey structure held 23 000 spectators  in Roman times. Today, it hosts numerous concerts   and events throughout the year, including  the Pula Film Festival screenings. A number   of other Roman ruins are also worth seeing. Of  these, the most interesting is the Roman Forum,

A well-preserved ancient square that for  centuries has been the center of town life. The Brijuni Islands are a collection of 14  islands in Istria, off the northern part of the   Croatian coast. This beautiful archipelago has been  designated a national park. The former president

Of Yugoslavia, Tito, used to entertain visiting  foreign dignitaries here, and some of them brought   him exotic animals as gifts, the descendants of  which are now on show in the small safari park.   Elephants from India and antelopes and  zebras from Zambia are the main attractions.

The island is also home to an  abundance of unique flora and fauna,   and the best way of taking in most of sites is  on a guided tour. There are two hotels located   on the island, along with a golf course and the  ruins of a Roman villa. To get here, you have to

Catch the national park boat from Fažana on  the mainland, 7 kilometers north of Pula. Located on the Istrian peninsula, the Venetian-era seaside town of Rovinj is made up of pastel   colored houses ringing a pretty fishing harbor. The  town was originally an island, but 250 years ago

The narrow channel, which separated it from  the mainland was spilled in. Besides the nearby   pebble beaches, the main tourist attraction is the  Batana Eco-museum on the seafront, which tells the   story of the Batana, a type of wooden boat used  by local fishermen. The church of St. Euphemia

Is the largest Baroque building in Istria, built  according to plans by Venetian architect Giovanni   Dizzi. The bell tower on the church is a copy  of the one at St. Mark’s basilica in Venice.   There are also plenty of top rated hotels, upmarket  seafood restaurants and art galleries to explore.

The locals speak a dialect that mixes  both the Croatian and Italian languages. Umag is probably one of the most  popular holiday destinations in Croatia.   It is located in the north of Istria and delights  travelers with its charming old town, the numerous   interesting attractions and the beautiful  surroundings, with many fantastic places to visit.

In addition, along the coast you will find many  beautiful beaches and bathing spots, where you can   really let your soul dangle. In the hinterland,  however, small romantic mountain villages,   picturesque vineyards and green olive groves  characterize the landscape. Cycling, mountain biking,

Tennis and golf are just a few of the activities  you can do here on a vacation. Umag is also widely   known for the international tennis tournament,  which has been successfully organized since 1990. Although it’s the capital of Croatia, Zagreb  is sometimes overlooked as a destination by

Visitors to the country, which is a real  shame, because it has plenty to offer.   Sure, it doesn’t have the Adriatic Sea or beaches,  but it has many fine sites, plenty of restaurants   and bars, lots of entertainment and regular  events, and a huge selection of accommodation.

Zagreb is also very easy to reach from elsewhere  in Europe. The city is divided into three parts: The   thousand-year-old upper town, which contains the  presidential palace, the iconic St. Mark’s church,   the Croatian parliament and museums and galleries,  which are all set in cobbled streets lit by gas

Lamps. The 19th century lower town, with its  shops, restaurants, cafes, theaters and parks.   And the modern post-World War II area of New  Zagreb, which is full of high-rise buildings,   and basically has little to offer to the  visitors. Zagreb is also called a “City of

Museums”, as there are more of them per square  kilometer than in any other city in the world. Getting around Croatia can be tricky and  definitely requires careful planning, largely   because of Croatia’s unusual geography. Croatian  islands are a large part of its appeal, but getting

To them means paying careful attention to local  ferry schedules. Island-hopping sounds like a   breeze, but can be tricky to plan. The unmissable  Dubrovnik is perched awkwardly on the country’s   tip, and getting anywhere else in Croatia  involves either backtracking along the coast,

Driving up through Bosnia or taking a flight to  Zagreb. The quality of the transport infrastructure   is generally good. Ferries are reliable, buses are  remarkably comfortable and efficient, flights are   cheap and driving is made easier by the modern  and well-maintained road network. Trains connect

Major towns, but the network is designed more for  residents than tourists, who will rarely find it   convenient to use the railway. The largest airports  are Zagreb, Split and Dubrovnik, with Zadar, Rijeka   and Pula also receiving international flights.  Flight schedules are highly seasonal, especially

For international flights. Whether domestic or  international, prices are higher in the summer. The best time to visit Croatia is in May and  June, or September and October, when the weather   is pleasant and sunny. This makes it ideal for  swimming and sunbathing. It is also less crowded

At these times, than the summer months of July and  August, which are high season and can be very hot,   especially in the afternoon. It is also a time  when locals take their vacations. From October   to March, the coast can be very quiet, and a number  of hotels and tourist attractions could be closed.

However, the mild winters are good for sightseeing  in the historic centers of Dubrovnik and Split.   Swimming should be in order from  mid-May. The rainiest month is December.   What is your favorite place in Croatia? Let us  know in the comments! If you loved this video,

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