Colombia is our next destination! In this Colombia Travel Guide will show you the most fascinating travel destinations in Colombia …

A few decades ago, Colombia was infamous  for its drug lords and violence. But in recent years everything has changed! Today,  Colombia is one of the safest countries in South America, welcoming millions of visitors  from all over the world. You’re watching World

Travel Guide and this time we will visit the  most fascinating places in Colombia. Although Bogota is the capital of  Colombia, many tourists prefer the smaller and more manageable city of Medellin. In the early  1990s Medellin was considered the world’s most

Dangerous city. Pablo Escobar, the notorious drug  lord and the so-called Medellin Cartel, effectively ruled the city at the time. Since Escobars death  in 1993, the cartel was broken up and the city has made a remarkable recovery. Today, Medellin is a safe  and well-liked travel destination. Previously known

For its deadly gangs and drug activity, it is now  a thriving holiday spot for tourists interested in experiencing the local culture. The natural  beauty of Medellin which rises dramatically from the Aburra Valley, makes it the ideal location  for trekking, zip lining and horseback riding. The

City has cable cars connecting its hillside  communities to a modern metro system in the valley below. the Antioquia Museum, which has a  sizable collection of Botero paintings, is perhaps Medellin’s best known attraction to tourists from  other countries. The Comuna 13 neighborhood, with

Its vivid residences and spectacular street murals,  is surely one of the places to visit. Being a young city, Medellin’s architecture has a distinctly  modernist charm that matches its inhabitants progressive mindset. The only metro system in  Colombia is located in Medellin.

Pablo Escobar constructed and owned the luxurious  estate known as Hacienda Napoles, which is located about 150 kilometers east of Medellin. The  estate has a total area of 20 square kilometers. Many of the original structures on the property  were destroyed or converted to other uses after

Escobar’s death in 1993. The family of Pablo  Escobar engaged in illegal dispute with the Colombian government over the property, after  he was fatally shot by Colombian police. The municipality now oversees the neglected property  as a result of the government’s victory on court.

The majority of the animals were determined to  be donated to Colombian and other zoos, because maintaining the zoo and the animals would have  been too expensive for the government. Today, the property is a theme park featuring hotels, a  water park, and a zoo with a safari style setting.

The Guatape Rock is one of top attractions for  visitors who come to Medellin. The views from the top of the hill are magnificent and this amazing  rock provides a ton of photo opportunities. Located in the town and municipality of Guatape, it is a  monolithic granite outcrop that is encircled by

Lake Peñól. The Guatape Rock is one of the world’s  tallest monoliths and rises over 2 000 meters above sea level. The stone measures 285 meters in  length, 210 meters in height, and is 110 meters wide. Although the granite is almost entirely smooth,  it has a single lengthy crack that extends all

The way to the base of the face. The 649-step brick  staircase in this crack makes it very simple for visitors to ascend to the top. It takes roughly  2 hours to travel from Medellin to Guatape. Bogota is the capital and largest city of Colombia.  With a population of around 8 million, this

Cosmopolitan capital is located in the Andean  Mountains at a height of 2 600 meters. Bogota is renowned for its energy and excitement, which  are deeply ingrained in its colorful streets. Once a place of crime and despair, Bogota is now  one of Colombia’s best and safest places to live.

Regarded as Colombia’s cultural melting pot, this  city is a place where people from all around the country come together. The old buildings with their  colonial roof tiles, are a remarkable historical gem from the colonial era. The striking structures  bordering the Plaza de Bolivar and must-see

Cultural sites like the dazzling Museum of Gold,  can be found in La Candelaria, Bogota’s historic center. Some of Colombia’s top boutique stores  and restaurants may be found in North Bogota’s wealthy neighborhoods. On Sundays, you can take  a bike ride down the city’s 120 kilometers long

Cycleway, which is spread out across Bogota’s main  routes. There are a lot of ongoing exhibitions of historical and artistic works from many periods,  as well as festivals and fantastic performances. In the north of Colombia on the shores of the  Caribbean Sea, sits the city of Cartagena. The

Jewel of Colombia’s Caribbean coast, Cartagena is  also one of the best preserved colonial tourist sites in the Americas. You can stroll inside the  old walled City here, and possibly experience a sense of time travel. A remarkable 13 kilometers  of centuries-old colonial stone walls surround

The city. The Old Town of Cartagena, a network of  cobblestone lanes, churches and other structures that cast their shadows across lush plazas,  is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city was also one of the most significant ports in the  Caribbean, due to its favorable location. Along

With Havana and San Juan, the port of Cartagena  played a crucial role in the West Indian trade route, opening up a significant chapter in  the history of global exploration. Cartagena is actual the most visited city in Colombia.  During the December holidays, when schools

Are out and most Colombians enjoy their  vacations, it becomes incredibly crowded. Due to its tropical location, the city has  distinct dry and wet seasons. The best time to visit this unique city is between December  and April, which is also the dry season.

The protected Tayrona National Natural Park,  which is renowned for its palm-fringed coves and crystal-clear coastal lagoons, is home to some  of Colombia’s best beaches. The majority of beaches are framed by the magnificent Sierra Nevada de Santa  Marta mountains, whose forested highlands make for

An excellent side trip on any beach vacation.  At protected regions close to La Piscina Beach and Cabo San Juan, Tayrona is also an excellent  location for snorkeling. Even though they are far away, these isolated beaches aren’t exactly hidden,  so it’s best to go when it’s not as busy, to escape

The huge crowds. Also, be ready to pitch a tent at  one of the many campgrounds near the shore. The Colombian department of Archipelago of San  Andres includes the mountainous Caribbean island of Providencia. Its inhabitants speak English  rather than Spanish, and it is actually much

Closer to Nicaragua than Colombia. This tiny  island features some of the most beautiful beaches in Colombia. To get to Providencia, you must  first stop on the busier San Andres island and take a quick hopper flight or a three-hour  catamaran ride. The largest collection of

Cottages on the breathtaking island’s west  shore can be found here. A hurricane hit the island directly in November 2020. One of  the worst and fiercest tropical cyclones to hit Colombia, it caused an estimated 98% destruction of all infrastructure. The Seaflower Biosphere Reserve, a 10% portion  of the Caribbean Sea’s marine protected area,

Is centered at Providencia. This critically  important reserve, which includes the San Andres, Providencia, and Santa Catalina Archipelago, is  home to some of the world’s richest marine species. Cali is the largest city in Southwest Colombia,  with over 2.2 million inhabitants. Cali is the

Key urban and commercial hub in the south of  Colombia, and has one of the nation’s fastest growing economies. It is also Colombia’s only major  city near the Pacific coast. Cali has historical districts with many different cultures, as well  as other attractions. There are numerous historic

Churches, but also a well-kept historical district  in downtown Cali. Cali is surely one of the most well-known places in the world of dancing. There  are 7000 professional salsa dancers here, including qualified instructors who can teach  newcomers the fundamentals of the dance. There are

Entire neighborhoods of the city devoted to this  unique beat, and you can find dance halls, music academies, and schools wherever you go. The world-famous music and dance festival known as the Cali Fair, which takes place in December, draws both  locals and tourists from around the world.

The 100 kilometer long Caño Cristales River, also  known as the river of five colors, flows through Colombia’s Serrana de la Macarena National Park in  the province of Meta. Due to its vibrant colors, this “liquid rainbow”, as it is often known, is one of  the most amazing natural wonders of Colombia. For

The few months when the conditions are ideal, the  river’s bed is vibrantly colored red, yellow, green, blue and black. The aquatic plants in the river  produce the colors during the reproductive process. The light cannot reach the plants growing in the  riverbank during the wet season, because the river

Runs rapidly and high. There isn’t enough water  available to support the plants throughout the dry season. This phenomenon happens nowhere else in the  world. In this area where the Amazon and Orinoco basins meet the Andes Mountains, there is also  a high concentration of endemic species.

The Las Lajas Sanctuary is a well-known  cathedral among Colombian Christians and tourists from all over the world. Being built  on the side of a cliff in a canyon, gives it a fairy-tale charm that is incredibly awesome  to witness in person. It is a magnificent

Structure with outstanding architecture. One  of the world’s most fascinating cathedrals, Las Lajas Sanctuary is situated not far from  the Ecuadorian border, close to the Colombian city of Ipiales. It was built inside the canyon  where the Guitara River flows, 100 meters from

The canyon’s bottom, and connected to the  opposite side of the ravine by a 50-meter-tall bridge. For those traveling by land from  Ecuador to Colombia, the detailed and gothic-themed ambience is fascinating to see, and  it is definitely worth the visit! If you loved this video, hit the like  button and subscribe! You can also

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