Looking for the best budget travel destinations in the world in 2024? Look no further than this affordable travel guide! In this travel …

[Music] foreign what’s going on everybody this is Island Hopper TV  and today we’re going to show you the top budget   travel destinations most affordable places for you  to travel here in 2023 let’s do it first up we’re   headed to Southeast Asia this here is Vietnam  now the currency here is called the Vietnamese

Dong and it takes 2 500 Vietnamese Dong to equal  one US dollar so you get an idea of just how big   the currency devaluation has been for Vietnam now  if you want a high-end hotel resort that’s going

To cost you around a hundred dollars a night  for a luxury hotel if you wanted to just get   a hostile dorm a normal cheap Budget Hotel it’s  anywhere between five to ten dollars per night   pretty much across the country now if you wanted  a mid-range Hotel expect to pay around twenty

Dollars and all the way up to fifty dollars on  the high end and that’s pretty consistent from   Saigon all the way up to Hanoi and everything  in between next up we’re headed to Mexico where   they use the peso currently one US dollar equals  17.50 peso shows and the accommodation in Mexico

Is anywhere between five to Fifteen dollars per  night for a dorm or a budget hotel and then for   mid-range hotels you can expect to pay 40 to 100  per night Luxury Resorts can get quite expensive   and exceed 200 depending on where you’re staying  in places like Cabo or Puerto Vallarta maybe

Even Cancun but for the most part you can find  nice luxury accommodation for under 200 in most   cases now you can get food here for around two to  three dollars per meal if you wanted a mid-range

Restaurant expect to play 10 to 20 dollars per  meal and then even exceeding that for high end   some places to check out are going to include  Riviera Maya the central area of Mexico all the

Way to Oaxaca and then up towards Baja and Puerto  Vallarta next up we’re going to take a look at the   Philippines where the US dollar will give you  55 Philippine pesos to one US dollar there are

Cheap accommodation here as well anywhere between  five to ten dollars a night for a dorm room and   then 20 to 50 a night for our average mid-range  hotels all across Philippines there is over 7   000 Islands here and if you wanted Luxury Resorts  they also have that in places like Boracay and

Then other Islands have some Luxury Resorts that  can go well over 200 per night food here is also   very affordable you can easily eat for one to two  dollars for lunch on Street vendors but they also   have high-end food restaurants that can cost  you ten to twenty dollars per meal Manila NC

Booth City tend to be the most expensive in fact  Manila is one of the most expensive places if you   go to BGC which is Bonifacio Global City but Beach  Resort here Bungalow twenty dollars thirty dollars

For one of these hotels on a Paradise Beach like  this just behind the island there are many deals   just like that next up we’re to Indonesia  now Indonesia has many islands just like   the Philippines in fact it has more some of the  popular places people like to go here are going

To be Bali they also have Cali Montan Java Sumatra  many different areas where you have Wildlife like   the Komodo Island lens they also have Raja on pot  so this is an amazing place to visit you can also

See the beautiful islands of Palau in West Papua  the currency they use here is the Indonesian   rupiah it is 14844 to one US dollar you can find  cheap accommodation at hostels for five to ten   dollars as well as mid-range hotels between 15 to  50 dollars and then they do have high-end resorts

In places like Bali Indonesia is famous for its  rainforests orangutans tigers on Sumatra and   then they also have beautiful underwater diving  some of the best in the world the largest city   here is Jakarta many people just stay one to two  days and then go explore the nature next up we’re

Headed to South America this here is Columbia the  currency they use here is called the Colombian   Peso and it is one US dollar to four thousand four  hundred Colombian pesos and then you have cheap   accommodation that ranges anywhere between five  to ten dollars per night for a dorm room and then

Mid-level hotels are going to cost you around  30 to 60 dollars in places like Medellin or   Cartagena and then you have the luxury resorts  on places like San Andreas or maybe even in   Cartagena that cost over a hundred dollars per  night but still not too expensive average meal

Cost here is two to three dollars for street  food and then if you wanted a restaurant it’s   anywhere between ten to twenty dollars another  affordable destination is the capital which is   Bogota you can find cheap accommodation and food  there as well my favorites here are going to be

Medaine and Cartagena as well as San Andreas  the island next up we’re headed to India now   India is another affordable travel destination  one US dollar equals 82 Indian rupee now you   can find cheap accommodation here very easily in  places like Delhi or Mumbai and then if you go

North towards the Himalayas you have places like  Rishi cash you can also get cheap accommodation   here for five to ten dollars per night on the  low end and then you can find mid-range hotels   are going to be anywhere between 30 to 60 dollar  dollars I have seen some expensive luxury hotels

In India in places like Mumbai or Delhi but on  average you can get a nice hotel for around 100   to 150 a night and then if you wanted luxury  they have over 300 a night I have seen cheap

Meals here you can get them for as cheap as 50  cents at times in some places a dollar is common   but two to three dollars seems to be the going  rate for street food and then obviously they have

Restaurants where it’s around 10 to 20 dollars  India is a very expansive country and you will   need over a month to explore it also guys I want  to let you know that we did make a best islands

In the world video if you guys want to check in  the descriptions for that and watch that video   if you love island hopping next up we’re headed  to Tanzania Tanzania uses the Tanzanian Shilling   for their currency and it takes 2 350 Tanzanian  Shillings to equal one US dollar while here you

Can visit the Serengeti National Park as well as  go to Zanzibar Island and even Mount Kilimanjaro   all accommodation here ranges between 10 to  20 dollars per night for a cheap hostel or   basic guest house and then mid-range hostels and  lodges can range anywhere between thirty dollars

To a hundred dollars per night and then of course  some luxury accommodation but I would say overall   getting around Tanzania can be very affordable  next up we’re headed to Nepal The Nepalese rupee   is 131 Nepalese rupee to one US dollar as far  as travel and accommodation goes here it is

Considered a very affordable country with five to  ten dollar a night cheap accommodations mid-range   hotels range from twenty to fifty dollars per  night with a more luxurious options being over   a hundred dollars per night depending on if you’re  in the Himalayas or doing some trekking you can

Also get cheap food which expect to pay around  two to five dollars per meal at a restaurant and   then even cheaper with street food Kathmandu  and pocahara are some of the most popular   destinations that you’ll want to visit now we’re  on to Central America this year is Costa Rica one

US dollar equals 533 Costa Rican cologne that’s  the name of the currency here now Costa Rica is   more of a mid-level affordable destination you  can find some cheap accommodation in some areas

For around 10 to 20 per night at hostels but like  I said it is more in that mid-range 40 to 100 per   night for the medium style accommodation and then  luxury options can go well over 200 in places like

Papagayo or even in puntareness while here you  can also get affordable food between five to   ten dollars per meal and then when you’re at an  upscale restaurant you can expect to pay anywhere   from twenty to fifty dollars per meal we did  a full Costa Rica travel guide I’ll put a link

To that below next up we’re here in Turkey their  currency is called the Turkish lira it is 19 Lira   to one US dollar here in Turkey you can expect to  find a mid-level pricing for affordability hotels

And cheap accommodations starting at around 10  to 20 dollars per night and then as you go out   into the country you can find anywhere between  fifty to a hundred dollars a night for mid-level   accommodation and then anything above that in  places like Antalya along the Turkish Riviera food

Prices here are comparable they’re around five  to ten dollars per meal that’s a budget friendly   location and then if you go to restaurants it can  exceed that in some places while here I recommend   checking out Istanbul which is in my opinion one  of the most beautiful cities in the world also

Going down to the Turkish rivieras to elutones  as well as fedai Cappadocia and other ancient   sites next up we’re headed to Lao now this one  uses the laodation keep currency it is 17 469   to one US dollar here in Laos you can find very  affordable accommodation this is going to be one

Of the most affordable countries on the list with  hotels ranging sometimes even below five dollars   for a cheap Budget Hotel and then you can find  mid-level hotels in the capital for around 30 to   75 dollars per night depending on where you’re  staying but overall this is definitely one of

The more affordable places that people go for  culturally enriched experience a popular route   that Backpackers like to take includes Thailand  Lao and then Vietnam doing the Golden Triangle   in between and now we’re going to leave southeast  Asia and we’re going to head to Europe this one

Here is Romania the currency here is called the  Romanian Lou not the Euro and it is 4.54 Lou to   one US dollar in Romania it is considered one  of the most affordable destinations in Europe   along with others here on the Eastern block  including Bulgaria and Moldova but this one

Here has Transylvania Which is popular for Dracula  you can find accommodation anywhere between seven   to Fifteen dollars per night for this affordable  accommodation and then mid-level is going to range   anywhere between forty dollars tonight all the way  to a hundred dollars per night depending on where

You’re gonna stay you will get a lot of value  for your money here in Romania with your currency   is also known for its natural beauty as you can  see a very beautiful country with mountains out   here in Eastern Europe food and cultural  attractions are relatively low cost as well

Most people start here in Bucharest which is the  capital and as we continue to show you around the   budget destinations if you’re enjoying this video  please give it a like and consider subscribing to   the channel next up we are headed to Egypt now  Egypt is in the northern part of Africa right

There along the Nile River and home to the  ancient Egyptian Pyramids the Egyptian pound   is the currency here and there are 30 pound to one  US dollar while here consider visiting Cairo where   you can find cheap accommodation between five to  ten dollars per night at guest houses and hostels

But you can also find mid-range hotels for 20  to 50 per night and then well over a hundred   at some nice places across Cairo food tends to  be two to five dollars per meal and then some

Other places to check out are going to include  Alexandria the Red Sea area like charm Al Sheikh   and then just doing some diving out there and even  going south to oswan where they have more Egyptian

Stuff along the Nile seven to ten days in Egypt  seems about right next up we’re headed back to   Southeast Asia this year is Cambodia the currency  is called the Cambodian real and it is 4104 to one

US dollar well here consider visiting places like  Phnom Penh the capital as well as in the north   they have Siam reap and Angkor Wat where they have  the ancient temples now accommodation here can be   affordable anywhere between five to ten dollars  for cheap accommodation at hostels and guest

Houses and then hotels range anywhere between 20  to 55 dollars per night and then they have more   luxury accommodation which goes over a hundred  dollars per night typically but like I said very   affordable food can be had here for two to five  dollars at any street vendor and restaurants are

Also very affordable across Cambodia one of  the more affordable destinations on this list   Cambodia is now becoming popular with people who  like to visit beach destinations as they’re going   down to see a nukeville and checking out some of  the Cambodian Islands which are becoming hot spots

For travel next up let’s talk about Greece now  this one here is on the Mediterranean they use   the euro budget accommodation here at a guest  house can be as cheap as 15 to 25 Euros per   night so it is a mid-range affordable country  but definitely one of the most popular in the

World average hotels here range between 50 to 100  euros per night and then go up from there to 150   to 200 Euros islands like Mykonos and Santorini  are considered very expensive destinations but   some of the other Islands you can definitely find  cheaper accommodation as far as activities go also

Mid-range in terms of pricing costing around 20  euros to get around so do some planning before   coming here but it is worth it if you go to the  smaller islands where you will find cheap food for

Around two to three Euros for a meal doing island  hopping in Greece is also popular on the ferries   where the tickets range anywhere between 15 euros  all the way to 50 euros depending on how far you

Want to go now we’re headed back to Thailand this  here uses the Thai bot the currency is 33 baht   to one US dollar at the time of making this video  cheap accommodation here can start at between five

To ten dollars per night for Budget accommodation  and then go up from there average hotel price   ranges between 30 and 60 dollars per night but you  can also find Luxurious accommodation in places   like Bangkok Phuket and across the islands some  of the popular places you’ll want to go while here

Are going to be Phuket Bangkok Chiang Mai Chiang  Rai kosamui all those places are popular as well   as Krabi food here can be very affordable you can  get a meal between two to five dollars on average

We did make a very thorough playlist of Thailand  which I will put a link to below but if anything   watch our full Thailand travel guide where we  show you the top 10 places to visit in Thailand   this is probably the premier travel destination  right now for Backpackers and affordable budget

Accommodation in in the entire world so keep  that in mind mainly because it touches on   everything Backpackers are looking for fun budget  accommodation good food good people here we are   back in South America at Argentina the U.S dollar  is 1 to 228 Argentine pesos which is the currency

They use here some of the popular places people go  are going to be Buenos Aires along the shore here   of Rio de Plata and then in the north they have  Iguazu Falls which is along the border with Brazil

One of the most popular places accommodation here  ranges between 10 to 20 dollars per night for   a budget accommodation and then 40 to 80 dollars  per night for the mid-level accommodation and then   over a hundred and twenty dollars per night for  the more luxurious stuff you can also go to the

Far south to Tierra del Fuego which is where they  have ushawaya so do check that out thanks everyone   who’s been watching this video of the best budget  travel destinations if you guys enjoyed this   please consider subscribing to the channel Channel  like in the video also drop a comment letting us

Know your favorite budget travel destinations and  we will see you on the next one I will put a link   to the best travel destinations in the world as  well as the best islands in the world click either

Of those next thank you to all of our Channel  subscribers and channel members who support us


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