BALI TRAVEL GUIDE: In this Bali Indonesia travel tour we explore the main attractions of this popular tourist destination.

Foreign [Music] welcome back Island Hoppers today we’re coming to you from Bali Indonesia one of the Premier destinations in all of Southeast Asia and certainly the crown jewel of Indonesia we’re going to show you around all of the main districts in the jungles of Ubud all the way to the

Northern volcanoes and then the beaches around the South as you guys know Bali is one of the best places in the world to learn about surfing as you can see they’re doing a surf school this area where we’re at right now is actually known as Cuda or Legion the village

Of legion if you go south of here to uluwatu that’s where the premier surfing destinations are in Bali but I do like the gentle waves here in Cuda considered the best places to stay in Bali if you’re looking for excitement I got some saute this is actually chicken

Smothered in peanut butter sauce so we’re here at a hotel on the beach we’re gonna check out the room but before we go in I just want to tell you guys take this very serious no

Toy guns and fireworks in and out of the hotel and the name of this hotel is called Pui Raja right there on the beach foreign things about this hotel is they have an outdoor bathtub you can see sunshine bathtub hotel

Rooms in Bali can range anywhere between 35 dollars a night to a hundred dollars a night for a room like that just depends on what kind of bungalow or sweet you want but if you want it super luxurious accommodation you can find hotels well upwards of 500 or

More so we’re gonna take a motorbike taxi to Atlas Beach Club you can easily flag down a motorbike like this right there on the beach or you can contact grab or go Jack all right so we’ve made it to Atlas Beach Club here in chengu we’re gonna check this place out

And maybe even go over to Finn’s Beach Club next door [Music] so general admission is about ten dollars that’s 150 000 rupiah yeah the Indonesian rupiah does use a lot of zeros just to put things into perspective one US dollar equals

15 582 Indonesian rupiah at the time of making this video so how many zeros are going to be involved in your transactions daily so get ready to have a million rupiah in your pocket quite often beach clubs with sunset views facing towards the West are very common

In this area of chengu even if you go south to seven yacht so the beaches are a bit better up here on the northwest side in Chengdu because they don’t get as much dripwood and plastic as they get down in Cuda so right here it says fins world’s best beach club

It doesn’t actually have a minimum spend at the bar so there’s no cover charge to get in here now if you want to get a cabana or one of these lounge chairs right here with your group you’re gonna have to pay for that but you can get in here for free which is

Different than Atlas now I’m almost 40 years old and it seemed like the people that were here were in their 20s so this is a really popular thing to do with young people I’m not going to necessarily say that people in their 40s or 50s are going to be going to

These kind of clubs but hey that’s up to you the big thing is get ready to have a lot of fun listening to loud music taking in lots of Sun so keep that in mind you’re going to want some sun protection the Sun and Bali is very bright unless you’re here during rainy

Season and it’s an overcast day you might get lucky and not have to deal with that bright Sun by the way guys there will be time stamps below as well as other videos related to Southeast Asia so check the description below to bounce around the video

Yeah so now that we’ve shown you around Cuda and some of the beach clubs up in changu what do you guys say we go check out some nature here we are at the Tegan ugon waterfall you could see during rainy season it runs a lot faster than when it’s not rainy season and

We’re here during rainy season so it’s really rushed and bad for those of you keeping score at home when is rainy season well November and December are typically known as the rainy months but rain in Bali as possible any time of the year after all we are just south of

The equator in the tropics very Lush foreign yeah so right here they have Omar day club with great views of this waterfall right here look at this guy carrying the water jug those stairs going up were hard enough without a

Water jug I can only imagine what the extra weight would too to somebody that guy’s a real trooper as many of you guys know Bali is known for its Hindu temples what do you guys say we go check some out now all right guys we are at Turtle it’s actually a water temple What we’re doing here is a ritual of purification and you go around to each one of the bass and let the holy water from the spring cleanse you you also do a prayer outside and then you go in foreign

We’ll show you more temples coming up but right now let’s head over to the monkey Forest out in Ubud [Music] all right so here we are at Monkey Forest you can see the monkeys right behind me it’s 80 000 rupiah per person comes out to around about eight bucks a person so here

At the monkey Sanctuary this is actually home to the Balinese macaque monkey it’s a long tail monkey that is found here in Indonesia and the monkey Sanctuary here is a natural habitat now there are some things that I would like to point out about this particular monkey

They are friendly especially when you’re feeding them but do not taunt the monkey don’t pretend like you’re gonna feed them or give them something or look them straight in the eye because if you do they can misinterpret that as either being rude disrespectful because they do have

Awareness like this and they can bite or scratch and the last thing you want to do is get bitten or scratched by a monkey not saying that it happens but occasionally it can happen so just keep that in mind these monkeys aren’t interesting and it is worth a stop here but

If you taunt them that’s not a good idea as with any wild animal from Ubud we’re going to head north to ulandanu sitting at the base of a volcano along Lake baritan [Music] all right guys here we are at ulandanu this is actually a freshwater lake with a temple

Let’s go check it out and it is 50 000 Indonesian rupiah per person that comes out to around 3.50 and it is a garden around this temple on the lake so it’s very well manicured foreign [Music] so here we are at the Hindu temple right on lake veritam in the Bendigo mountains

Right here is a active volcano actually nearby so very amazing Place lots of spiritual energy here at this Hindu temple now there are three volcanoes on Bali Island that’s agang Bata and bouillon Braton so many different volcanoes here that could potentially erupt but Indonesia

As we know it is a seismic area to begin with so keep that in mind when you’re here but that’s part of what has created this incredibly beautiful environment is the raw power that the Nature has here and the people who are Balinese from this island have definitely

Been able to incorporate all of that natural energy into their culture and that’s why so many people come from far and wide to experience Balinese culture and the nature I would highly recommend you prepare to take some photographs when you come to ulundanu And while you’re up here in the northern part of the island you can go check out several different waterfalls we’re actually going to go do that right now these waterfalls are incredible like something you would find out of FernGully

All right guys so here we are at banyumala waterfall we actually parked up top and we’re walking down there for about 10 to 15 minutes and we’ll be at this beautiful paradise uh waterfall right in the middle of the jungle [Music] foreign [Music]

Right here if you guys want to get a good view check this view out right here right into the jungle yeah so we’re out here in the northern part of Bali thanks to our driver August Bond 37

On Instagram so if you guys are looking for a driver to show you around Bali contact this man yeah so big shout out to Mr August Here you’re looking for the name on the map this is it right here Dan umala let’s go take a look [Music] foreign [Music] over towards the other side of the island on the East where Mount agung is which is considered the most active of all the volcanoes foreign [Music] volcano

We got some fish food we’re gonna feed some koi goldfish and uh have some fun [Music] thank you Foreign again this time with chicken of course but uh delicious right here ganga for lunch so we’re at Pura lampuya which is right next to mount agung we’re gonna actually go take a shuttle gotta get this ticket to take the shuttle at the park here costs 45 000 rupiah

Which is around five dollars and now we’re going up actually more like four dollars it’s raining outside and we’re in the shuttle so they’ve got these plastic barriers here but we’re headed up so it’s three kilometers from the parking lot

But we got our tickets they’re 55 000 rupiah East that’s around four or five bucks and we’re actually now hiking up the mountain here and it is raining which means we’re not getting the views okay yeah thank you thank you

You know when you come up here you’re actually supposed to get a great view of Mount agam but good luck with that so we’re just up here kind of hanging out because we made the hike up but can’t really do much except for standing under this shape [Music] [Applause] foreign

I know you guys probably want to see mount agung in the background like all those Instagram pictures that you see and Pinterest wherever you see them all across the internet but I think this is probably more than likely what you’re gonna get unless you check the weather

So if you check the weather and it says it’s clear that’s probably your go green light to go up here but raining probably 50 of the time up here I would say let’s go okay some local beer good beer

I definitely got absolutely soaked an umbrella might have helped but I would still have wet socks anyway so I got an herbal drink up here while we wait for the rain to pass because I’m absolutely drenched this is turmeric brown sugar and lime just take a look right here see it’s

A hot drink it’s actually pretty good and I also got a chocolate Samosa the two of them actually with ice cream [Music] right now we’re at a temple where they’re going to do a fire show Foreign it’s a new day rising and we have some sunshine so that’s great so do some exploring of another Beach area all right guys we have arrived to Sun or Beach this is one of the most popular beaches in

All of Bali Cuda gives you Sunset because it faces West so nerd gives you sunrises because it faces East [Music] and what you can expect to find in Center Beach is going to be these beach bungalows that are very creative embedded in the jungle right here on the beach really

A nice place to stay if you want relaxation compared to Cuda or some of the other beaches on the West Side a lot more relaxing over here at Sonora the crowd over here is going to be a bit older and also more family oriented just because it’s more relaxing they do have

Some bars but they’re more of that kind of Hotel bar with the tikis and all that kind of relaxing very chilled out over here you’re not going to get any like nightclubs that are going to be pumping loud music all throughout the night like you would get in Cuda or changu thank you

Yeah if you guys are looking for a great hotel right here in Sonora I would highly recommend the Hyatt Regency that’s if you got the money [Music] it’s about 8 500 Indonesian rupiah or around 250 per night not too expensive but by Bali

Standards this is going to be up there in terms of price Bali shirt yeah yeah so I ended up getting the shirt for 220 000 Indonesian rupiah that’s around 15 bucks um I think it’s a good price considering the quality feels comfortable the other shirt I had was from Thailand I’m in Indonesia so don’t need to be wearing that

So overall I’m happy with my purchase I mean let’s be real it’s pretty cool to walk away from Bali with an authentic Balinese shirt that comes straight from the island you’re supporting locals and you’re also getting Bolognese clothing [Music] one of the great

Things about Bali is the bars here they serve full towels after you know walk around when it’s hot with this cold towel on it smells like uh essential oils good deal [Music] here we are at tagalogong this is actually a Rice Terrace we’re going to go through the

Restaurants here and down into the actual Valley they’ve got a big swing down there I think they even have two let’s go take a look [Music] foreign [Music] check out these mamayas I mean papayas right here big old papaya [Music] Foreign And here we have fresh squeezed mango juice from the local Village so as you can see we got some Nasi Goring Nasi means rice and Indonesian so this is rice with chicken [Music] Goring means fried so anytime you see something called Nasi Goring that just

Means fried rice if you see me Goring that’s fried noodle foreign [Music] as I told you before we were going to go check out some more temples because there’s many on Bali this time we’re going to actually head towards the west side of the island to

One of the most popular ones all right guys here we are at 10 a lot which is a temple right on the beach it actually goes out to an island we’re gonna go down there at Sunset right now foreign [Music] lot is actually a small rock formation just off the mainland

Of Bali and if you wanted to know what channel lot means in the Balinese language it basically means land in the sea now this was a popular area for Hindu pilgrimage the temple was called Pura Tana lot which literally translates to the temple in the sea You actually wanted to go to that Temple you have to walk across this body of water here and once you get there you’ll see there is actually a holy water spring that’s coming out of the land here underneath the temple um and here they actually put something on

Your forehead and put a plumeria flower behind your ear and you can actually go up around to the side of the temple but it wasn’t open so all we got to do is hang out up here check

It out and also see the sunset which was actually a beautiful time to be here I would say sunset at 10 a lot pretty nice [Music] foreign [Music] Ty get some corn on the grill right here what’s it called what I call this

Uh [Music] look at these sunsets on the ride back from tamelot towards chengu and the Cuda area but anyway now we’re gonna actually head towards one of the luxurious areas of Bali the most luxurious area actually foreign here I notice it’s a lot more well manicured less congestion less craziness definitely

More relaxing out here but you can see right now the tide is way out over here on this side of the island [Music] and here we are at Laguna Resort they also have Lulu who you can put plastic bottles

That you find on the beach right inside her mouth and this is a way to kind of keep bali’s beaches clean of plastic waste foreign if you’re wondering where they did the G20 Summit in Bali during the month of November it was right here at the Western Resort on Noosa Dua foreign

They have the Peninsula Island right here and you can see they’ve got a water blow and a statue out here Here we are at the Grand Valley Beach Club we’re just going to go out here and see the views looking towards uluwatu Noosa Dua is actually the beach area just south of Sonora in between sanur and uluwatu [Music] anytime you see something in Bali or Indonesia in general called nusa that’s

Basically the word for Island so this is actually an island near sadua is [Music] so from nusa Duo we’re going to go south to uluwatu to one of the best beaches on the entire Island pantai pandawa now this is actually an amazing Beach facing south

So it gets high swells from Antarctica and actually if you were to look straight out from this beach the only thing in between here and Antarctica is water yes south of Bali is Western Australia but from this beach if you go straight As the eagle flies ahead

It’s straight towards the Indian Ocean and into Antarctica so yes this beach here gets pumping with whey that Surfers love foreign [Music] because we’re in the southern hemisphere it’s summertime in the southern hemisphere when it’s winter time in the northern hemisphere so on this summer day there was

Not big swells here in uluwatu Got some sort of nosy with meat and noodles this time instead of rice I’m going to have to correct myself that was me roaring because it’s noodles not rice rice is Nasi meat is noodle so I wanted to make that correction [Music]

Since we’re over here in uluwatu which is close to Jim Barron Bay what we’re going to do now is actually head down to Jim Moran where they have many seafood restaurants and we’re going to do a seafood Feast right here at Sunset so let’s go do that [Music] foreign Lobster prawns what is this red snapper yeah what is this tilapia white Snapper oh white snapper as you will see the seafood Feast comes with prawns Lobster White Snapper calamari and some other additional Indonesian Seafood classics foreign [Music]

A little bit of bones in it the lobster is tasty especially with this chili sauce or this chili sauce or whatever it is some Indonesian uh salsa the prawns they’re good but they’re hard to get the meat out of calamari is great um the rice you know it goes without saying

And then we’re about to tackle this uh crap [Music] and after another great night on Bali what we’re going to do is get a late start today and we’re gonna head over to uluwatu again to a very large Hindu statue

So here we are in uluwatu at the Garuda wishnu kincuna cultural park we’re gonna go inside it’s a hundred and twenty thousand rupiah per person big old statue right out here in uluwatu and guys it does get hot out here you can see when I’m wearing this blue shirt

How much sweat is going on here because Bali in the summertime like it is right now very humid especially when it’s the middle of the afternoon so prepare for that now this statue Garuda visnu Ken Kana is actually 122 meters tall or that’s 400 feet making it one of Indonesia’s

Tallest statues in fact it’s one of the tallest statues in all of the world this here was completed in 2018. they do have a master plan for this project that will include waterfalls but they have two prototypes we’ll see which one they roll out I hope they go with the waterfall one

Foreign [Music] Now after working up quite the appetite we decided to head to Chengdu for a Sunset and dinner which included some oysters Foreign [Music] this is a reminder guys if you guys are looking for more information about Bali we’re going to be making a bali things to do video and a bali best areas so stay tuned those links will be below in the description so check those links when that

Happens for those videos we will put them Below in the comments too if you guys are looking for a place to take a cool picture you should check out this gate here called the hedara gate it is in the north part of the island foreign which is another great Beach here in uluwatu

The walk down is a bit Steep and there are many stairs so keep that in mind if you plan to visit this but if you’re in good physical shape that’s not going to be a factor it’s

Just for someone who might have a bum knee or a bad bag something like that take that consideration if you plan to visit this one foreign [Music] foreign Foreign here this is actually a higher elevation so it’s a little bit cooler out here in Ubud also another thing this is where the Arts and the history and the culture really is so if you’re coming to Bali and you want Wellness a lot of people come up here to Ubud we’re

Gonna walk around show you what’s going on around here we’re right outside the temple in the palace the benefits of being out here in Ubud it is higher elevation like I said so it is going to be cooler which is definitely a benefit and I also mentioned the Arts and

The culture the downside to it is it’s far away from The Nightlife and the cities of Denpasar and the surrounding area of Cuda which means it’s far away from the beach but hey if you want to be embedded in the jungle and you want a good base camp for exploring

The Balinese jungle blue boot is perfect [Music] also a cool thing about this area is the night market you can do shopping you can hang out at one of the cafes you can just soak it all in right here in the night market area especially in the evening time [Music] foreign [Music] foreign

[Music] ly explored Cuda in its entirety what we’ll do now is really unpack Cuda and show you a bit more of the nightlife and what to expect down here And there’s a popular Mall here in Cuda called Beach Walk we’re gonna walk around here and see what’s going on right at sunset [Music] there you have it guys as you can see Bali is a very diverse Island it has everything you could possibly want as a tourist a Backpacker

Whatever you are a honeymooner uh family it’s got it all Molly truly is a vacation destination at the highest level and with that being said I would like to encourage you to watch some more of our other videos and subscribe to this channel our other videos across southeast Asia and from Bali check

The links in the description below and the comments as well as clicking on one of these videos here foreign


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