How to price match your hotel with Expedia!
Expedia has a price match guarantee, but it has some specific requirements and works a little differently than some other companies. Here’s how it works:
1. Check if your booking qualifies:
- Not all bookings qualify for Expedia’s price match guarantee.
- The lower price must be for the exact same hotel, room type, dates of travel, and rate plan as your Expedia booking.
- The price must be available to the general public. It can’t be a special rate like a membership discount, corporate rate, or package deal.
- You must submit your claim before midnight (local hotel time) on the day of your check-in.
2. Find a lower price:
- If you find a lower price for the same hotel on another website, take a screenshot of the page showing the lower price.
- Make sure the screenshot clearly shows the hotel name, dates of travel, room type, and price.
- You’ll also need the URL of the page where you found the lower price.
3. Submit your claim:
- Go to Expedia’s website and find their price match guarantee claim form.
- Fill out the form with your booking details and the information about the lower price you found.
- Upload the screenshot you took and provide the URL of the page.
4. Expedia will review your claim:
- Expedia will verify the information you provided to make sure it meets their requirements.
- If your claim is valid, they will issue you a refund for the difference in price.
Important things to keep in mind:
- Expedia’s price match guarantee is for hotels only. It doesn’t apply to flights, vacation packages, or other travel products.
- Expedia will typically refund you the difference in price in the form of OneKeyCash. This is Expedia’s rewards program currency, which you can use towards future bookings on Expedia.
- There are some exclusions to Expedia’s price match guarantee. For example, they won’t match prices from websites that require you to be a member or where the hotel details are hidden until after you book.
Overall, Expedia’s price match guarantee can be a good way to save money on your hotel booking. However, it’s important to read the terms and conditions carefully to make sure your booking qualifies and that you understand the process for submitting a claim.