Let’s explore one of the best cities in Europe! Thanks to Liquid I.V. for sponsoring this video! Get free samples here …

Vienna the city of music the capital of austria is located along the banks of the danube river and the locals here speak viennese german when i think of vienna i picture palaces grand balls renaissance museums classical music and the opera now it’s time to put those expectations

To the test and see if vienna is really worth a visit i’m challenging myself to see as much of the city as i can in 24 hours in the best way possible by traveling solo you know your day is off to a great start when it starts in a beautiful

Park it’s fall here now so the colors of the trees are all changing and uh to be honest i haven’t had the best memories of vienna the last time i was here because the day that i arrived was the day i went through one of the worst

Breakups of my entire life so doesn’t have the best resting memory in my mind so i’m excited to make up for that and you know i can confirm though that europe is still pretty awesome even when you’re sad vienna is divided into 23 districts and

It can look intimidating on a map but in reality it’s pretty small and easy to navigate ring straub is the grand boulevard that encircles the historic enerstad district if you want to go on a building safari while in the city this is the place to be just casually walking it down the street

And we found mozart’s house apparently he composed more music here than anywhere else in his career it’s the only still existing apartment that mozart had here in vienna so it’s 12 euros for the entry fee and if you are interested in learning more about this incredibly famous composer

This is definitely the place to do it one of my absolute favorite things to do in the world is being just dropped off in any random large city and being able to feel what it’s like to just be there and live in a new environment for a day and

Vienna is a great place to do that because oh my gosh this place is unbelievable wow i could look at the details of this building from the outside for hours but i see people on the top of that tower so let’s go inside i made it to the top of the north tower

And as you know by now i am not a fan of heights but you get an incredible panoramic view of the city from here and you can also see up close the details of this beautiful tiled rooftop of the cathedral this has to be the best bird’s

Eye view of all of vienna it was a six euro entrance fee for adults but definitely worth a stop we are gonna take a quick break from exploring vienna to talk about something very important while traveling the world staying hydrated i am so excited that liquid iv is

Sponsoring this video because i have been using them for over two years now liquid iv is a great tasting electrolyte drink mix and it’s one of the very few nutrition related items i bring with me on every single one of my trips space is very limited especially when you’re

Traveling without check-in luggage but i always make sure to pack a few sticks of liquid iv because they are a lifesaver and they’re very easy to use on the go in your backpacks and suitcases when you’re traveling sometimes you don’t have constant access to fresh water or

You’re so busy sightseeing you forget to drink water so this helps me stay hydrated even on long days walking around outside as someone who suffers from chronic headaches and who also enjoys a few glasses of wine on the weekends especially while traveling in europe drinking liquid iv has helped me

Combat the dehydration that can cause headaches and hangovers drinking one liquid iv hydration multiplier hydrates you faster and more efficiently than water alone thanks to the powerful science of cellular transport technology and clean ingredients this ctt helps you absorb not only water but also five essential vitamins

There are some great flavors such as strawberry or lemon lime but my personal favorite is passion fruit all of their products are available at costco as well as online if you want to try it for the first time liquid iv is offering to send you free samples straight to your doorstep so

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Win-win for both of us i will definitely be using the code myself to restock before my next trip speaking of which i think it’s time to continue walking around the streets of vienna i’m just leaving the church now and i am in the city center this is the first district

It’s a very popular area because there are a ton of different tourist attractions but one thing to keep in mind and this actually goes for most major cities is wherever there are a lot a large concentration of tourist attractions there’s usually not a lot of locals because they’re high rent districts so

Not a lot of people can afford to live here so if you want to have a more local experience while you’re here i recommend the 6th and 7th district you’ll be able to find a lot of different locally owned restaurants and cafes there is good shopping here in the first district and

I am starving so let’s go get something to eat I am so excited to be trying the traditional austrian wiener schnitzel it’s made from thinly sliced veal cutlets that are then lightly breaded and pan seared it’s served with a little bit of lemon juice as well as cranberry sauce and a small potato side salad i was recommended to

Come to this specific restaurant by a local friend who said it’s one of the best in all of vienna this little garden is adorable and oh i am so excited to try this this has to be one of the best places in the city i’ve never had a tastier

Schnitzel in my life all right i have just arrived in the museum’s quarter which is a perfect opportunity to talk about the museums in vienna it’s arguably one of the most popular things to do in the city and if you want to see all of the most famous museums you’re

Going to need a minimum of three days so i suggest picking a few of your favorite and going from there my personal favorite is the belvedere because it holds the world’s largest collection of gustav klimt paintings who is one of my absolute favorite artists there are some

Free museums and some that are paid so if you’re on a budget you might want to seek out the free museums and i had a lot of recommendations from some of my local friends here so i’m going to put on the text on screen to list out the

Names of some of the other amazing museums around the city and you know this is actually a pretty cool place to hang out it’s actually very well known for this uh this lounge seating so i might sit back and uh relax and stay up wow visiting museums is one of the best

Things to do by yourself since you can do it entirely at your own pace in my previous video from my trip to nyc i shared all of my best solo tips for you to have a safe and memorable experience while traveling alone travel is one of the best ways to develop your

Independence and to guarantee you’ll get to do everything on your bucket list i am now passing by the clients cafe which was featured in the film before sunrise which is actually one of my favorite travel films you should definitely check it out if you’re traveling to this city

And the cafes in vienna are so significant because they’re almost the heartbeat or the essence of viennese culture so many of the greatest minds who have come through this city have sat in these very cafes and had conversations about philosophy art and music that ended up impacting the entire

World so it’s really amazing to be able to sit and soak in that ambiance for yourself i am now exploring noshmart which is the open air market in the center of vienna this place is over 100 years old and is home to over 100 different stalls for

Shopping primarily food but there is a flea market open on the weekends i definitely recommend always going to local markets because it’s such an amazing way to see some of the different aspects of their culture vienna really is a melting pot and that can be felt here in the

National market because there are so many different influences from around the world not only in different countries around europe like greece and turkey but also in south america and asian influences as well which is so amazing to see i definitely recommend this place as well i am now sitting in

Front of the hofburg palace which is the former imperial palace of the habsburg dynasty which if you don’t know much about the habsburgs you should definitely research them they ruled much of europe up until world war one this hofburg palace was their winter residence and there’s also an amazing

Palace slightly farther outside of the city center called schonbrunn palace something like this uh it was their summer residence with beautiful gardens to walk around there are also gardens in this palace and i also chose to come here because it’s great if you’re short on time they have a museum

In the hofburg and it’s also where the current president of austria works it’s very close only a few minutes walking distance from the austrian national library which looks like something out of a harry potter movie like hogwarts beautiful beautiful library there’s a greenhouse with butterflies and there is also the imperial treasury

Which holds some of the habsburg crown jewels which are always incredibly satisfying to see there are a lot of different options of palaces to see in and around the vienna area i’ll list a few of the names on the sides of this video here for you to choose from which

One you like the most but i definitely recommend the hofsberg if you are in a hurry other great ways to spend the day in vienna include the pratzer amusement park which is home to one of the oldest ferris wheels in the world there are also beautiful vineyards hidden within

The city boundaries which you can visit as well to experience the nightlife head down to the banks of the danube during the summer and to the districts outside the city center which is where most of the locals live hotels average between 100 and 150 us dollars per night and

Alternatively there are many options for affordable hostels if you want to see all of the best museums i would recommend spending at least three days here there are also many events throughout the year like vienna restaurant week film festivals ball season and more so make sure to research those if you’re interested

And that concludes my vienna travel guide thank you so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it don’t forget to smash that subscribe button to join the limitless army community let me know in the comments what travel destinations you would like to see in the future and

Until next time keep pushing your limits


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