In this episode take a trip to Stockholm to visit one of the most unique hotels in the world. Jumbo Stay, a …

The captain and all the crew was out to welcome you here to Saco following the winner local time is five past eleven well normally when you get to your destination you can’t wait to get out of the airport on to whatever excitement lies ahead but here in Stockholm well

You might just want to stick around well that is the reason why it’s not worth hurrying out of Stockholm Airport it’s called the jumbo stay and it’s an old 747 which is now a hotel and that is gonna be my bed tonight there’s nobody to greet you know ask for

Your boarding colors hi though hello I’ve got a reservation for tonight I came over this airplane standing around abandoned and it struck me that why couldn’t we actually make that into a hostel hotel as well as the cafe and it should definitely be big enough to do

That what to do with the cockpit we made actually out into a double room and then in the far back of the plane we have another suite that’s the black box woods so something in the front and something in the back in between really nice rooms a flute

Frosting of our Airlines a flew for Pan Am and a quite a few other airlines wherever you are in the plane you should be remember that you’re inside an airplane and that’s what we kept all through their plane very little potential in this plane we haven’t used

All the space available there are a few places still that we could actually use behind me you can actually see the former four engines where you have the jet turbines they are big enough definitely to have a double room you’re kidding you’re gonna put rooms beds in

The in the engines just taste it engine rooms it’s where we want to do the wing walk a place for a chill out have a good drink or two here and relax no sleeping out here just hang around I presume you’ll have to cover it in some way because

We’ve lucked out it’s 30 degrees and sunny here today but it can be minus 30 degrees in Sweden of course yeah the temperature could definitely be much colder later today and where we’re looking to having a glass cover over everything so you can sit here during the winter as well well anybody that

Wants to stay in a hotel that’s an old 747 has got to be a big Cayden every big kid needs a big swing and this is one of the tires that was left over when the plane was decommissioned there were two guys that booked the room across the

Street and they came here just to see how it looks and they canceled the reservation there and took a double room here instead because I thought it was a super cool idea so it’s a very cool place we like it and especially kids and I like it he

Loves airplanes he wants to be a pilot so for him it’s just a dream come true right this is just the beginning we’ve done this plane now as a good reference and we want to take this out in the world and different airports he’s a trainer

For the book so I’m at the back of the bus but I’ve got a flatbed how about that good night


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