Qatar is a small country in the Middle East, located on the Qatar Peninsula.

Are you about to take a short trip to  Qatar, or maybe go there as a fan during   the upcoming World Cup? Don’t worry, we  got you covered! This is World Travel   Guide with a detailed Qatar travel  guide, in which we will answer your   most frequently asked questions about  this fascinating Middle Eastern country!

Where is Qatar and why should I visit it?  Qatar is a small nation in Western Asia. Its only  land border is to the south with Saudi Arabia and   the remainder of its territory is encircled by  the Persian Gulf. It is located on the tiny Qatar

Peninsula on the northeastern coast of the Arabian  Peninsula. Qatar is one of the nations with the   fastest tourism growth rate. The monarchy receives  more than 2.5 million visitors each year. Due to   recent changes in visa facilitation, which include  enabling citizens of 90 countries to enter without

A visa, it has grown to be one of the Middle  East’s most accessible nations. The country’s   skillfully combines centuries of Middle Eastern  culture with contemporary conveniences and luxury. How do I get around in Qatar? If you live outside  the Arabian Peninsula, you should probably take

A flight to the Hamad International Airport  of Doha. You have access to a broad range of   transportation choices at the airport, including  limousine services. Every day of the week the   airport metro station provides quick and frequent  transportation to, and from the airport. Because

Of the nation’s small size and the quality of the  roads, traveling throughout Qatar is pretty simple.   Although getting around by car is the preferred  mode of transport in Qatar, public transportation   has significantly improved recently, partly as a  result of the growth of its bus and metro services.

The majority of highways in Qatar lead to, and from  Doha, the country’s capital. For short distances and   excursions beyond the city, you can hire a taxi.  Buses, trams and metro trains are part of the high-   quality public transportation system, that the  local government is now building. Is Qatar safe?

Well, Qatar is not only safe. It is actually  the safest country in the world, according   to the Numbero Crime Index. Visiting Qatar is  a very safe experience. Of course, there are a   few natural risks to be aware of. But other than  that, you shouldn’t be concerned about your safety.

Violence is quite uncommon, especially towards  visitors. As in any other popular tourist site,   pickpocketing occurs sometimes in public areas. Even though scams are uncommon in Qatar, you   should always exercise caution when accepting  change, haggling over prices for rides or other

Services, and you should never pay in advance for  anything! Is Doha the only city in Qatar?   With a population of 2.4 million, Doha is  unquestionably the most significant city   in Qatar, and has a larger population than the  rest of the country. Other than Doha, Qatar is

Peppered with minor towns and cities. Some of  these are port cities, while others are more   significant, since they stand for the thriving  oil and gas sector in these regions. Visitors   will see abandoned and decaying settlements,  as well as archaeological sites, that provide

A glimpse into the region’s past. Al Rayyan,  the largest residential region outside of   the capital, is situated 12 kilometers north  of Doha. Besides mosques from the 18th and   19th centuries, the city also includes a  medieval fortified town. Being the country’s

Second most populated city, Al Rayyan is well known  to tourists, and has a fantastic shopping scene. Are there any good beaches in Qatar?   Yes, of course! The country is known for its  pristine beaches, with clear seas and fine

Sand. Even water sports are becoming more popular  in the nation. 600 kilometers of lovely beaches   may be found along Qatar’s coastline. You can  access several of these beaches from Doha. The   1.5 kilometer long Katara Beach would be an  excellent option, if you were seeking for a

Beach in Doha, because it offers a laid-back beach  experience with a wide range of activities. In   Qatar, September through November and March through  May are the finest months to visit the beaches,   since they are neither too hot nor too chilly.  Men and women should in general swim at public

Beaches, while wearing a t-shirt and board shorts.  Bikinis are only allowed in hotels and resorts. Which are the best outdoor activities in Qatar?   Qatar’s varied terrain and mild temperature, make  it a fantastic location for adventure sports year-

Round. One of the greatest ways to enjoy Qatar’s  distinctive desert scenery, is to go dune bashing.   You may either rent a dune buggy or hire a skill  driver with a four-wheel drive. Scuba diving is a   must-do activity here, due to the abundance of  marine life that inhabits the warm turquoise

Waters of the Arabian Gulf. You may choose between  taking a trip across the sand dunes, or watching a   camel race. One of the most daring activities you  can do here is skydiving. When you leap out of a

Plane above Doha, you may get a breathtaking view  of the modern metropolis, encircled by a wide desert. Are there interesting sights to visit? Sure! There is plenty to see in Qatar, which has  a variety of fascinating attractions, including   leisure areas, cultural, historical and natural  sites. The country is actually full of natural

And man-made wonders. The Museum of Islamic Art  in Doha is full with treasures. It has actually the   biggest collection of Islamic art in the world,  collected from 3 continents. The charming 7   kilometers long Corniche coastal promenade  in Doha, was skillfully built from landfill to

Resemble a pleasant crescent. It’s just perfect  for a romantic evening walk. The Pearl, an opulent   housing and entertainment complex on an artificial  island, has rapidly emerged as Doha’s top eating   and retail attraction. The Bedouin traveled to  Souq Waqif centuries ago, to exchange their animals

And wool for other necessities. This market has  been carefully reconstricted, to look just like   it did back in the 19th century. The abandoned  settlement of Al-Zubarah is home to the Al-Zubarah   Fort, which has been preserved and converted into  a museum. One of the most intriguing locations to

Visit in Doha is Falcon Souq. Visitors may watch  the magnificent birds, snap pictures and pose with   falcons perched on their arm. The Inland Sea, which  is located approximately 100 kilometers south of   Doha, is a dream-like area where the sand and the  blue ocean create an unforgettably beautiful scene.

Does Qatar host any notable sports  events? Football is the most popular sport in Qatar.   The country will host the 2022 World Cup, making  it the center of the globe for 30 days. 8   state-of-the-art stadiums will host the event. The  largest stadium is Lusail, with a capacity of 80.000.

The only racing circuit in Qatar is the  Lusail International circuit. It is actually   the only circuit in the area to hold both FIA  and FIM licenses, and is located just outside   of Doha. The annual Moto GP and Formula 1  Grand Prix races take place on this track.   Is the weather in Qatar extreme?

Qatar is one of the hottest places on Earth,  and the temperature stays high all year long.   The summer is the warmest season of the  year, and lasts from May through September.   Regularly, temperatures can rise to as much as  50°C. Although Qatar has higher

Humidity than other Middle Eastern nations, the  heat is primarily dry. If you spend a lot of   time outside, you are constantly at risk for heat  stroke, dehydration and heat exhaustion. Hydration   is the key to staying healthy. The majority of  hotels grant their visitors free gallons of

Water each day. Additionally, keep an eye out  for dust storms. Always keep a scarf on hand   to cover your mouth and nose, and stay indoors  as long as possible, until the storm has passed. Is Qatar a good place for shopaholics? Since Qatar  is the richest nation in the world, there are some

Incredible shopping opportunities here. Shopping  is almost a national sport. The classy malls of   Doha are great places for the whole family. The  bigger malls provide all kinds of luxury goods   from all over the world, as well as a wide choice  of recreational amenities. Top designer brands, but

Also a wide variety of tiny independent stores  and art galleries, may all be found in those malls.   There are also several conventional street markets  in Doha. There is no better spot than Qatar, if you   admire pearls. Even before oil was discovered,  the nation developed its pearl business. At

Affordable costs, you may get lovely pearl jewelry  items, including bracelets, earrings and necklaces. Is Qatar really that expensive?   Qatar is perhaps the most expensive country  in the region. Living expenses in Qatar, particularly in the city of Doha, are comparable to those in other major  cities worldwide. You should expect paying more

At restaurants than you would typically, because  almost all of the food is imported. Accommodations   may also be pricey here. Since groceries are  tax-free in Qatar, they are affordable when   compared to other countries. For your trip to  Qatar, you should budget between 150 and 200 USD

Each day. Two-person trips can frequently cost  less per person, than one person traveling alone. Is there anything else I need to know? Although  Qatar is a strict Muslim State, there is nothing   for you to worry about. The natives treat  the visitors as their own guests, and are

Well educated and friendly. If you arrive at the  airport with some alcohol in your possession, you   can place it in one of the lockers and receive a  voucher to pick it up when you leave. You should   also dress modestly. Clothes should not be overly  tight and should cover the shoulders, upper arms

And knees. You should also know that it is  completely forbidden to ask, or even attempt   to take a photo of a local lady. In Qatar, the  weekend begins on Friday, when everything closes   for the holy day, except from hotel services.  Everything reopens on Saturday after sunset.

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