Let’s visit the Top 10 most dangerous cities in the world.

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10. Rio de Janeiro – Many cities in Brazil  have high crime rates, and none are more dangerous  than Rio de Janeiro. Yet, Rio remains the  most popular tourist destination in Brazil,   attracting upwards of 1.2 million travelers  every year.

The city is actually safer than it   was a decade ago, but street crime is still  common in many areas, especially at night.

9. Cape Town – Due to the prevalence  of poverty and social unrest in this city,   it suffers from an extremely high violent crime  rate, mostly related to drugs and gangs, with an   estimated 100 000 people in over 130 different  gangs in 2018. Although many tourists are drawn  to South Africa because of its natural beauty and  proximity to nature preserves packed with wildlife,   Cape Town can be a dangerous place. The safest  way to enjoy a visit to this city is to avoid   the more dangerous neighborhoods and don’t travel  alone at night, especially if you are a woman.

8. Guatemala City – Although Guatemala,  a Central American nation in the Caribbean, holds   many tourist attractions, its capital is plagued  with drug-based violence, as well as human and   arms trafficking. It has a high murder and low  solve rate, and other common crimes include  street robberies, bus hold ups and carjackings.  If you’re planning on visiting Guatemala,   it’s advisable to remain in safer  regions and avoid Guatemala City.

7. Tijuana – This Mexican border  city, 15 miles south of downtown San Diego,   has long been one of Mexico’s most violent cities.  But even by murder capital standards, Tijuana has  an extremely high murder rate, with no signs of   the killings evading. The city’s homicide rate  recently jumped to 138 per 100 000 in 2018.

6. Baghdad – Bombings, gunfire and  other violent events are common in Iraq.  This is another war-torn country that  is not likely to be safe anytime soon.   Since the violence in Baghdad usually consists  of unpredictable outbreaks of terrorism,   it’s not a place that people  should visit without a good reason.

5. Acapulco – Not long ago, this city  was considered a safe and luxurious resort area.  While tourism to Acapulco is still permitted, gang  violence and drug-related murder have made this a   dangerous area for travelers and those who live  there, and the area has seen a huge decline in   tourism since 2014. Mexico’s murder capital  has one of the world’s highest murder rates,  142 per 100 000 people, making it one of  the most dangerous places to travel to.

4. Kabul – Kabul has been one of the most  dangerous cities in the world for many years,   and it is still a war zone. Terrorist attacks,  including many bombings, remain common. Kabul  is a city where violence can erupt at any time.   Afghanistan is the most dangerous  country, according to the global peace index.

3. Caracas – The capital city of Venezuela  continues to face an epidemic of violence,   in part because of the poor political  and economic situation for residents.  Street crimes, such as muggings and theft  are common, as are murder by firearm and   kidnappings. Many other cities in Venezuela  also have incredibly high crime rates,   but the capital has the second  highest murder rate in the world.

2. Ciudad Juarez – Mexico’s issues  with drug trafficking are well known,  and Ciudad Juarez is one of the world’s most  violent cities. Police corruption is a significant   problem, as officers are often employed or paid off  by drug cartels, which means that many crimes go unpunished.

1. San Pedro Sula – This city has ranked as  one of the world’s most violent for several years  now. According to many sources, it has the highest  homicide rate in the world, 169 for 100 000 people.   Arms trafficking is another big problem, and  illegal firearms are prevalent throughout the city.   Most tourists only face opportunistic  crimes such as muggings and theft.   The Maya ruins and golden beaches may be a draw,

But this is a city that tourists would  do well to take serious precautions in. What’s the most dangerous place in your  opinion? If you live in a dangerous city,   leave a comment and let us know!


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