Madrid is the capital and most populous city of Spain. Madrid lies on the River Manzanares in the central part of the Iberian …

Let’s visit madrid the capital of spain and  the second largest city in the european union   this is world travel guide and in this video  you will go on a madrid sightseeing tour but   also learn interesting facts  about the city and its history

Madrid lies on the river manzanares in the  central part of the iberian peninsula it is the   capital and most populous city of spain the madrid  metropolitan area has a population of 6.7 million   madrid is a modern metropolitan city and an  economical and industrial center of spain

The city has traditionally been the connecting  point between all parts of the country   madrid has a wide variation of attractions from  great monuments in classic and modern museums   to big flea markets and international concerts  for art lovers madrid is a fascinating place

You can find some of the most famous collections  of spanish artists such as goya picasso and dali   the first historical record of madrid dates back  to the year 865 when emir muhammad commissioned   the construction of a fortress in the village  of mayrit on the banks of the river manzanares

Madrid belonged to the islamic world until  1083 when alfonso vi of castile took over   the city in 1329 king fernando v assembled the  famed court of madrid for the first time ever   this preceded one of the darker periods in spanish  history the spanish inquisition in the 14th and

15th century in the wake of the reconquista moors  and jews banded together and formed a concentrated   population in madrid named moreira to this day the  city continued to grow over the centuries and in   1561 the decision was taken to move the court  from toledo to madrid in fact it did briefly

Move again to valladolid in 1601 but five years  later it returned to madrid this time to stay   madrid played a key role in spain’s turbulent  history of the 19th and 20th century   in 1808 the city rose up against french occupation  in a revolt which resulted in much bloodshed in

Effect this was the start of the spanish war  of independence the city’s dramatic history   continued in the 20th century it was after the  death of general franco as part of the spanish   constitution finalized in 1978 that madrid was  finally confirmed as the capital city of spain

1979 saw the first democratic local elections  in madrid through which the first city mayor   was chosen and elected since this time  madrid has made incredible progress and   is now considered to be one of the most  dynamic and progressive of europe’s cities

The royal palace of madrid is the official  residence of the spanish royal family   although now used only for state ceremonies the  palace has 135 000 square meters of floor space   and contains 3418 rooms built in 1755 it is the  largest functioning royal palace and the largest

By floor area in europe the palace is now open to  the public except during state functions although   it is so large that only a selection of rooms are  on the visitor route at any time the route being

Changed every few months an admission fee of €13 is charged however at some times it is free the plaza mayor is a major public  space in the heart of madrid   it was once the center of old madrid and was  first built during the reign of philip iii

Its history dates back to the 15th century  where it was used as the main market of the town   today the plaza mayor is rectangular in shape and  highlights the uniformity of the architecture to   enter or exit the plaza there are 10 entrances to  choose from however there are nine gates it is the

Location of the annual christmas market and has  also hosted bull fights and football games every   sunday and holidays it hosts stamp collecting  and coin collecting market in the mornings   santiago bernabeu is a famous football stadium  in madrid with a current seating capacity of

81 000 it has been the home stadium of  real madrid since its completion in 1947.   it is the second largest stadium in spain and was  named after a footballer and former real madrid   president santiago bernabeu the stadium is one  of the world’s most famous football venues and

Is open for visitors every day of the week on  the stadium tour you can explore the history   of real madrid in the bernabeu stadium  museum and get access to exclusive areas the prado museum officially known as museo  nacional del prado is the main spanish

National art museum located in central madrid  it is widely considered to house one of the   world’s finest collections of european art dating  from the 12th century to the early 20th century   based on the former spanish royal collection  and the single best collection of spanish art

Founded as a museum of paintings and sculpture  in 1819 it also contains important collections   of other types of works the prado museum is  one of the most visited sites in the world   and is considered one of the greatest art museums  in the world the numerous works by francisco

Goya the single most extensively represented  artist as well as by hieronymus bosch el greco   peter paul rubens and diego velazquez are  some of the highlights of the collection the temple of debod is an ancient egyptian  temple that was dismantled and rebuilt in

The center of madrid a gift from egypt in thanks  for spain’s help in saving the abu simbel temples   during the building of the aswan dam the  debod temple was brought to madrid in 1968   the temple was built for king adikhalamani in  the second century bc well-preserved original

Decorations are found inside the temple  which is rare for an archaeological site   peaceful gardens surrounding the monument  feature reflective pools and a fountain   puerta del sol is one of the most renowned  central squares in madrid a meeting point   both for tourists and locals and home  to several of the city’s landmarks

The plaza was built in different  stages during the 15th century   puerta del sol was originally one of the gates  of the city wall during the 20th century the   fountain was placed in the center of the  square and part of it was pedestrianized

Several important historical events have taken  place in puerta del sol such as the proclamation   of the second republic in 1931 and recently in  2011 a vast demonstration for spanish democracy covering over 125 hectares and  comprising more than fifteen   thousand trees el retiro park is a  green oasis in the heart of madrid

Here you will find all kinds of interesting  monuments and gardens in addition to its role   as one of the city’s green lungs it is also  a popular spot among locals who like to go   there for a stroll to do some sport visit an  exhibition or take the kids to a puppet show

The park is home to a large artificial lake where  you can rent a rowing boat and to the velazquez   palace and glass palace which are both currently  used as exhibition halls by the reina sofia museum

Spring and fall are ideal times to visit madrid  may and october are the best months in terms of   weather and crowds august is the month when madrid  is traditionally at its most peaceful as many of   its inhabitants have escaped to the mountains or  are sunning themselves on mediterranean coasts

About 75% of the city’s restaurants  and shops also go on holidays and close   for the month though visitors usually  find enough for their needs visiting   madrid during the summer can be tricky  because the oven-like mid-summer heat   can sometimes reach afternoon  maximums of 40°C

Is madrid one of the cities on your bucket list  let us know in the comments if you love this video   hit the like button and subscribe you should also  take a look at other city guides on our channel you


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